Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Liars and scientists and the media

Recently I read something about it raining fish. This has happened on more than one occasion, actually search it and you will find that it has happened many times. The common answer from the media, scientists and others who haven't investigated is that it is caused by cyclones hitting the ocean. Just a couple of problems.

Often what falls is fresh water fish. You might argue that the fish were taken from a lake; but, nobody has ever witnessed such a thing. If a lake disappears someone is going to notice. The other problem is that whenever it rains fish, they are all the same species. How come no lobsters, or shrimp. No they stay on the bottom. How bout, how come no seaweed? Now that is a better question.

I won't bother posting to any articles. You can search for it. There was a gentleman named Charles Fort, he used to search out such anomalies and then report on them. In the early 1900s he reported on the fish falling from the sky. We still get such reports and more often than one would anticipate. Mr. Fort said they probably just materialized in the sky. I am not convinced by his answer; but, it is better than that of the scientists.

I don't know the answer to fish falling from the sky. Heck, I don't understand electricity running down a wire. I know the answer I have been told, I just don't understand it. It seems like magic. I find, more often than not, that science wants to explain anything it cannot explain. Because they are scientists and have a title, we tend to believe them. Heck, we believed Bernake and Paulson and Greenspan. We like titles.

This is an article on a mystery cloud circle that appeared in Russia. There is even a video of it. The video has been seen by many, many people.

The scientists have an explanation for the cloud holes. It is caused by planes and we just figured this out. I have a couple of questions, not that I distrust Greenspan, I mean scientists. After all they are pure in their talks about global warming. They would not rush to judgement or say what was popular. Hmmm, I may have to modify that statement.

In the story about what the scientists have learned I have a couple of problems. Firstly, the angle of the clouds. Planes do not go straight up into the sky, look again at the Russian cloud. My second problem is that the Russian clouds, and others, are round on the outside and inside. The picture provided by the scientists was not the same.

The issue is not clouds, it is not fish, it is about accepting what you are told as soon as some is deemed an expert. I don't know why sometimes fish fall from the air; but, I do know that a guess by a scientist without looking at the particulars of the actual event is not science. Scientists hate anomalies, it means they don't know everything, they don't. Heck they cannot even explain awareness.

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