Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Fourth of July and my father

Tomorrow is the fourth of July, Independence day. I cannot praise war; but, I can praise the many people, on all sides, who gave their lives believing they were protecting their family and loved ones. My father was a war hero, he through out all of his medals.

Tonight I think of my father, he was very brave and very honorable. At 16 he joined the marines, he lied about his age to get away from an abusive stepfather. He joined just in time to go to Korea. He was offered the chance to go to college and become an officer, he turned it down to be with "the guys".

My father was in the first wave in Korea. He was at Inchon and Pusan. Later he attended a little party at a place called the Chosin Reservoir. It was not a good party. My father was one of the Chosin few. A marine would understand.

I detest war; but, I respect greatly those who have been there and did so out of a true love for their fellow citizens. I have known many of them. Few of my family were drafted, just about all of them volunteered. My father was one of the people who helped a brave man get his well deserved congressional medal of honor, it took like 40 years; but, he got it.

My father was in the Chosin Reservoir. He did something very special, he stopped the Chinese tanks from coming in the narrow gap. He was a small arms specialist, he made a once in a lifetime shot, he shot a bazooka shell into the barrel of the first tank coming into the reservoir, it blocked the others. It is not talked about and you don't have to believe it; but, he did it. He risked his life to do it, he had to be up close and personal with the tank.

My father had integrity, my mother had integrity also. People like them were the backbone of America, people willing to give for others and asking nothing back except respect, fairness, the things we were promised in the constitution. They are dead just like their beliefs and the constitution. You cannot have a constitution if you do not have people like them, people who are not thieves and liars. We get the government we deserve.

Too many people want honest institution while they themselves are not honest. They will not get what they want, you cannot get what you do not give for long.

On the fourth of July we should remember someone, his name was Crispus Attucks, he was a black man, he was one of the first five people killed in the Revolutionary War. He was killed in the Boston Massacre.

We sought independence from Britain and fought and died and went without. Remember that illegal aliens are people trying to escape what we tried to escape. Do not hate them for wanting to be free. Escaped slaves died so that we could have freedom, how can we look down on the escaped slaves of today?

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