Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finally something worthy of writing about

A recent article by a scientist is worthy of discussing. He explains how the past is determined by the future. That is his lack of understanding. I ask you to read the article before you read any more of my comments. I'll wait. Dumdudumdum. Are you done reading the article or are you cheating, come on now read the article.

Sort of hard for most people to understand what he said. If you don't understand quantum physics this stuff can be very counter-intuitive. Simply put, certain subatomic objects react to to other subatomic objects in a manner that shows they know what each other is doing even though not connected. Take two balls, bounce one in American and it's partner will bounce in China. That is what the photons are doing. We don't know how they are connected, it gives the appearance of thought connection. I do not believe it is. Let me correct that, the photons don't have thought.

God is proven by quantum physics. God knows what we are going to do and adjusts the world before we get there. If I put a cookie on a table in front of a two year old, I know he is going to eat it. Imagine the choices for quantum physicists, ROFL, either the photon knows or it is controlled by an awareness that knows. I love quantum physics.

When you really begin looking at what quantum physics sees on a sub-atomic level, it sees that everything is connected; but, there is nothing physical connecting things. The scientist cannot understand this. That is why they have come up with string theory; but, that fails too. In order for string theory to work they had to keep saying there were more and more realities, alternate universes. There is no alternate universe and you cannot prove it, it is voodoo.

God has ordered the world for us; but, allows us free will. He is smart enough to keep the matches away from the two year old. One of my prior posts was about the Hadron Super-collider. It was created to find the "God-Particle" and kept braking down. A scientist working on it said it was as if something from the future was preventing it from working. What I am trying to show is the current thinking of quantum physicists.

Quantum physics keeps discovering that all of the rules that the world and nature follow on an atomic level are violated on a subatomic level. On a subatomic level everything appears to react to thought, it appears to have a mind of it's own, sentience. It blows their little minds. I will gladly take on any scientist regarding these issues. They will not flim flam me. Imagine trying to tell people that the past changes based on the future, what nonsense.

What we are seeing is that scientists, physicists no longer have valid explanations for the world. They have concluded that time can stop (which violates all other sorts of rules), that gravity does not exist (which violates common sense and all other sort of rules) and that reality is not real (which is just retarded).

We experience life on the atomic level. It has rules because it must to make sense, for us to experience it in any logical way, to make our choices. On a subatomic level it makes no sense, it follows the rules that he wills. Scientists know that on a subatomic level things follow a will, a sentience and they don't know what to do about that. Regular physicists don't want to talk to quantum physicists, it screws up the story. Quantum physics is an outlier, it is where all the anomalies exist. How can you base a rational world on an irrational base? LMAO.

The article is written to overwhelm all but quantum physicists. It is meant to teach you that crazy has a reason. We know what happens on a sub-atomic level and it says God exists and is in control of the world. It also says that we get free will and to choose. It is the simplest answer on a quantum level and the scientists don't like it but cannot deny the lack of logic on a sub-atomic level.

The most renowned physicist today is Stephen Hawkings. He amuses me. He believe aliens are coming here and are dangerous, he believes that there are multiple universes and he believes we need to colonize space to continue as a species. Somehow that is an easier answer than the obvious, there is sentience, awareness at work and behind the universe.

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