Saturday, August 14, 2010

Post 250

This is and is not post 250. For those who have been reading for awhile they will know that I have completely taken down the first two iterations of this blog and changed the content. Internet ramblings that are no longer to be heard. I don't even know exactly how long I have been on this site.

By and large I have enjoyed writing. I enjoy looking at the events of the day and putting them out there for discussion. I think if someone reads this iteration they will notice a few themes. Firstly, your privacy is under attack and everything you do is going to be monitored in the future. I do not call this a conspiracy, why bother, the reality of it is too clear to everyone now. The second theme has been about corruption, it took out our economy, our pensions and our youth's future. The third theme is really about relationship, not just personal; but, the nature it. How we treat one another and how it is often similar to how our government treats us.

I think I have exhausted the themes for the moment. Anyone who follows this blog knows what to watch for in the news by now. Oh, and yes a Chinese Astronomer is saying that he expects aliens to arrive within the next two years. Did you catch the articles on it? It was reported by numerous sources. Our sense of what is reality is being attacked, that is a form of conditioning, it is used when you wish to instill a new belief set.

I have talked about birthright citizenship and how it is being used to lead people to conclude that citizenship is a right that must be earned. Well kiddies, now it begins, here is the op-ed from the frickin New York Times. If you read enough news sources you will begin to see how orchestrated this all is and how people follow like sheep. If people born here have to earn citizenship, what rights do they have prior? Remember the a-hole that wrote the op-ed is a Professor of Law at Yale. He is also a scumbag who knows what the consequences of such a position are; but, he does not tell the rest.

Anyways, I am sitting here wondering what to do next. I think I will talk about God.

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