Saturday, August 14, 2010

So Who is this God Fellow?

Being autistic has it's advantages. One of the advantages is that you tend to read people by their actions rather than looks or appearances, we frequently don't understand that look you give us. We live in a universe that was created, the big bang was the method; but, it was still created. Science has no explanation for that. Someday this universe will end, they have no answer for that either. It will end because it will no longer be necessary.

We are sentient beings, self aware, we are all that we can prove exists. You cannot prove, as some scientists claim, that matter exists. Quantum physics, sub-atomic physics, proves that nothing should exist, not time, not matter and not even space. What conclusion do you draw from this? What does it tell us about the nature of who created this universe?

There is a movement to tell you that we are all one consciousness and that if we understand that we can become one again. The big bang theory and the fact that we are separate awareness implies that this is not the answer God is seeking. Variation is the result on an intention to create individual diversity, in thought and emotion. Creation is a tough deal, it means friction and challenge. A rock knows no challenge and never grows. Growth is the only answer to eternal boredom, which would you choose?

If inertia is the greatest force in the universe then how could you ever have a big bang? Science contradicts itself because God and the universe laugh at our attempts to control reality and sentience. The media and government attempt to twist our beliefs, to make the lies come true; but, lies always end up exposing themselves. We are seeing a fundamental unraveling of the lies, they have gone on too long. The lies about the economy, our freedom, our being transitory and unimportant. They are all coming apart and people are nervous and confused.

Everybody knows things are not right in the world anymore. Everybody sees it. Don't think it is just in the United States, it is not, it is worldwide. There is a gentleman named David Icke, he came out about 20 years ago saying that aliens keep us down and that we are infinite oneness and love. 20 years ago he was laughed at, today he sells untold books, is on the radio and television and travels the world speaking in large auditoriums. They come because he also has accurately predicted many crisis well in advance. Why is he so popular? Because people know things are not right and cannot put the pieces together themselves.

If quantum physics is correct and this is a fractal universe. Hmmm, I have some new readers and they may not have read all of the articles about quantum physics. A fractal universe means that basically nothing we observe exists on the level we observe it, it is a representation of a sub-atomic reality. A projection, that is why sub-atomic and atomic levels react differently. Now I will give my explanation for the God thing.

What if we were one consciousness and all alone. That is what the bible says. What if that being found a way to split the consciousness through thought. You see it says in the beginning was the word and the word was God. Self awareness. When asked his name God said his name was "I Am". Self awareness. People never really talk much about that part of the bible.

If you were all that existed it would be exciting at first, you could do anything you wanted; but, there would be nobody to interact with. Consciousness is not like creating a rock. If you created a series of robots, it would not be the same. If you created a series of beings that had to follow your directions, it would not be the same. If you created a set of beings with their morals implanted, it would not be the same. No, for true relationship, you need beings that can truly be themselves, free will.

To create beings with self awareness and freewill might just require giving up some of your own self awareness. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Consider the trinity, the father, son and holy ghost. Described as three beings, separate, yet one. The trinity freaks out so many people and it really shouldn't. Three aspects of the same being. I mean really how many faces do you wear in the world. Different personalities for different situations.

Consider the possibility that instead, God gave of his totality so that we could all have our individuality. Consider it for a moment. The man that wrote "The Exorcist" believed that we were the result of God becoming schizophrenic. He believed the purpose of life was to go back to being one. I disagree, if we decided to give this splitting a try, then we have all eternity to change our minds. But therein lies the rub, the further we become different, the harder to pull them all back.

I do not wish oneness with everyone. Heck, some people I don't even want to know. I want to be me, even if some people don't like me. We can learn to not deal with people we don't like or to do so civilly if forced to deal with them. I do not like my ex-wife, as a person I do not like her. Having said that, I still helped her when she no one else to turn to. I assure you she would not and has not done the same for me. People are always surprised by the people I will help and most that are helped are not grateful for more than a second. Few if any loans I have made have ever been paid back and I still loan money.

Consider the universe kindergarten for new sentient beings. A time to learn to be separate and together. A time to learn relationships. A time to learn about attraction and rejection. Hasn't that been your experience? If we were all one once, we are not anymore and guess what, some of us are not coming back. There will never again be a oneness, it is not a goal to be sought. The New Testament says so. Jesus poured himself because it was not a thing to be sought.

I do not know how many of my readers are atheists, its okay, skip the posts that are a problem; but, please know that I write about my thoughts and I am a Christian. I do not tell others to believe, I do not knock on people's doors and attempt to convert, I only say what I think. I don't care what other people believe, decide for yourselves; but, don't attempt to restrict my beliefs or my right to say them. Fortunately, having a small and inconsequential blog allows me this freedom. I have no advertisements and do not seek anyone's money.

For those who do read this pitiful little blog, in the next few weeks I am to attend a meeting with Google and will be representing a company that wants to be bought by Google. I am just helping a friend. Perhaps I should tell them to read my blog, I have spoken about the Google-government connection many times. LOL.

If you wish to understand God, look at the universe around you, look inside yourself and at others, look at the dynamics of life, it is about relationship. If you do not believe in God then you assume that everything is random, is it? I don't see randomness in the universe or in life. If you prefer to believe that everything follows a firm set of rules then all you need to do is explain your self-awareness, does that follow a set of material guidelines, I think not.

For those who do not believe in God, how can you believe in Love? If you believe the universe is material, how can you explain love? Try as you might, you cannot even explain sentience. Love is completely unexplainable. You can discuss why we love; but, explain what it is. Is it just a chemical reaction, I don't think so. Explain how it feels to see a baby for the first time or when a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his friends.

What then is God? What is our purpose? Where do we go from here? What does it matter, what matters is that we have an eternity of infinite variation and change and growth rather than one of eternal boredom. Be well. I hoped you enjoyed this rather obscure examination. I really didn't feel like talking about the BP Well, the mosque at ground zero or some actresses new hairdo. My alternate post was going to be about ladies legs and thighs, do you think I chose well? Good Night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, very good, but we really should talk more about the legs and thighs ;) hahahaha!
oh by the way, I'm all signed up, just waiting for a call, and the lady said they miiiight be getting a physician assistant program!
Ttyl, be well !