Monday, December 20, 2010

The Odd Stuff

I attempt to read as much alternate news as possible. I begin my days reading newspapers and the Drudge Report. After having read traditional news sources I like to read alternative news sources. I don't agree with much of what I read but I like to know what is on people's minds. As a consequence I cannot recommend any of the news sources I am listing. The vast majority of them are news aggregates rather than the actual publishers.

Fortean Times I like this news source, they collect strange articles and hit a wide variety of things while never taking any position.

The Anomalist. This one tends to focus on ufo's, cryptozoology and ghosts. Updated daily.

David Icke. I don't know what to say about this one. The guy believes that reptillian aliens have interbred with humans and that their offspring run the world. He also has a fear of a Zionist world conspiracy. What he does do is follow the news and that he does well.

Alex Jones. If you don't know who this guy is I strongly recommend you watch him at least once. He has a big presence on the internet and many followers. Personally I find him a alarmist and a promoter of violence. I disagree with both. His website does track many news stories and catches patterns. He is friends with David Icke apparently now.

Rense. I find this one real hard to post. The guy makes a lot of stuff about jews and zionists. The useful part of his site is that he is updating during the day about international news.

Wired Magazine. Great technology stories. I highly recommend this one.

The Daily Beast. Well put together with little apparent agenda.

The Daily Grail. Low production value, good news catches.

Rapture Ready News. Good news catches.

Above Top Secret. Love this one. All over the place with good commentary.

I still read more than just these and the newspapers listed on the side of my blog; but, a listing you might find amusing. It is important to read beyond the norm. The internet allows us the opportunity to share beliefs with people we would never associate with or even want to be around. It allows us to hear why people believe things that appear crazy to us.

I try and read as many things a day as I can. I have found overtime that the same article will be in half or better of the things I read. It is therefore a lot less reading than one would imagine. I used to read the foreign papers more often but pretty much just the London Times and the Sydney Morning Herald at present. I am being lazy.

It has been my experience that the alternate news sources are often all over the place and everything in their mind can be a conspiracy. Yet, paranoia is your friend and these news sources watch things that the others do not report. I go to the original sources to check them. Sometimes they are very correct.

I will give an example because it came up today. I was viewing Above Top Secret and it had a video by an engineer showing that thermite could be used to take out steel beams. This may not make sense to you immediately. Thermite is a powder that burns very hot, some have claimed it was used to take down the twin towers. Now, I don't care if you believe 9/11 was an inside job or not, it is not the issue right now. Mythbusters and NIST both claimed that Thermite could not cut through steel. This engineer proved it could and with very little.

Why is the story important. Because the NIST and Mythbusters lied. Fewer people read Above Top Secret than watch Mythbusters. NIST is the "official government story" and both lied. This engineer proved that thermite could cut through steel. He didn't prove that was what happened at the twin towers; but, he did prove that their explanation was faulty. Nobody other than the alternates are even checking.

NEVER believe experts or the official story. Check them first. Look for other perspectives and check them. The government and the people in power own the media. This is just a fact. Average people don't own or control television stations. They have an agenda, everyone does.

And now for a musical interlude.

Peter Wolf - Lights Out

Flash & The Pan - Hey St. Peter

Alice Cooper - Hey Stoopid

My boy Bach - Fugue and toccata in D minor

Saint Saens - Danse Macabre

Donald Fagen - New Frontier

Linda Ronstadt - Down So Low

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