Friday, August 12, 2011

And Now the Media Goes Down

Not an anomaly, not a coincidence so it must be a pattern. Most people are aware of the Rupert Murdoch scandal and how his newspaper was hacking people's phone messages and how the police were paid for their assistance. Now we have a nice story proving the dishonesty and fixed message of mainstream media.

Here is the thing, one by one we are destroying all large industries that can exert any influence over government. That is what is going on. Mainstream Media is on it's last legs, it is dead. There are many bloggers and much news on the internet; but, it is intentionally left confusing, it is difficult to know if facts have been checked. How does one know who to trust?

No expert will be trusted in the future as all areas of expertise have allowed themselves to be prostituted for money and fame. Cookies. Problem is, we need experts, we just need honest ones. We need an honest society, do you wish to help in achieving that? There is too little honesty and that starts with everyone of us. What happens when we cannot trust each other, which way does society go.

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