Friday, August 12, 2011

Can You See it Coming Yet? Want to bet me?

Firstly, the Post Office is about to lay off 120,000 when unemployment is the biggest national problem. Secondly, companies that are hiring are often telling the unemployed that they are only hiring people who already have jobs. Thirdly, Congress is about to create a super committee to come up with a jobs program. Got all that.

So, with a short time frame and businesses refusing to hire the unemployed, what is the logical next step, come on now, if you have been reading my blog for a while then you know I have said what they are going to do on a couple of occasions, class, class, put on your thinking caps and lets get to work on this. Don't forget that we just increased the debt ceiling by trillions.

The first thing to look at is what work needs to be done. Well, the cities, counties and states are all laying off. Work needs to be done on the nations infrastructure (roads, bridges and rail). Giving money to private industry doesn't seem to create jobs, just raises for the CEOs. Hmmm, what has been the most successful job creation program in the history of the United States? That might be something to consider. Oh, year it was the Works Progress Administration.

That is what I have said is coming since before the stimulus was enacted. Now, if this super committee comes back with such a proposal then I want a cookie for having accurately predicted it, chocolate chip and soft, not hard.

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