Monday, August 8, 2011

Water Lies

I wrote about this when it first happened; but, it is in the news again so I want to remind people of how you are flat out lied to and told that you have been given a cookie when you were really a cow pie.

The article that I am going to link to talks about how people will now, for $50, be allowed to kayak down the Los Angeles River. For those who are not familiar with Los Angeles, it is not a river, it is a storm channel. Now in the video included within the article we see a Councilman saying that a "handful" of people will be allowed to kayak on the river on a daily basis.

Within the article it states that, "The announcement comes a year after U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson declared the entire concrete-lined river “traditional navigable waters,” a designation that allows the application of Clean Water Act protections."

Basically the LA River is meant to catch storm runoff and send it to the sea. It doesn't rain often in Los Angeles and most of the "river" is bone dry. If you saw the movie "Grease", the car race at the end takes part in the LA River, looks pretty navigable doesn't it? However, once the Clean Water Act is applied the federal government can regulate a whole bunch of what goes on in the City. So why did the council sell out the City. Because now they can get money from the fed for pet projects around it.

My whole life we have been told by authorities NOT to go into the river (we did anyways) and that it was dangerous. And now we are going to let people in kayaks use it; but, there will not be many and it is not very good water. This whole nonsense is just to establish it's navigability for court because there will be law suits once the Clean Water Act is applied to businesses and homeowners.

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