Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Heard a Lie - L.A. Animal Reg

Sometimes you hear something and you just know it is a lie. A few days ago the LAPD raided six City of Los Angeles animal shelters and removed all of their guns and ammo. That in and of itself was highly unusual; but, there was something else, they said that it was part of an audit. It wasn't though, not originally. Somebody, and I am assuming it was the General Manager of Animal Regulations must have notified the Controller's Office that the LAPD was going to confiscate the guns.

I cannot say how I know this; but, I do. By the way I don't work for any of them. I know for instance that additional auditors were called in just before the guns were removed. In case you are wondering, yes it is late and my stomach is acting up and I cannot sleep. It is claimed that this audit is because some animal regulations employees were taking animals and selling them; but, I don't really buy that, the animals are given away for free at the shelters (or just about free).

People are bringing up the question of whether or not people working in that department should have guns at all; but, that should have happened before the guns were confiscated not after. Something is very wrong here, there is more going on. Let's see if we can figure out what it is.

There are a couple of possibilities. Firstly, the auditors found out there was a deeper problem in animal regulations, maybe they discovered where those missing animals went and maybe they discovered that many were being used id dog fights. It is mere speculation I assure you. If dogs are shot and killed and left in an alley after a dog fight, nobody does an analysis of the bullets. What if you did and discovered that it was from a gun owned by animal regulation, what would that tell you. Hmmmm.

Or, what if you found out that some of the dogs that were picked up from alleys after they were used in dog fights had been in the pound and had been set for being put to death. I mean they do use vicious dogs for dog fights and they were going to be put to death anyways, that is a justification that some could find for selling them to be used in dog fights. People do love to justify their actions.

That is a possibility, there is another. The LAPD may have had an ongoing investigation into animal reg and discovered something. Protocol would be to tell the Mayor and then the General Manager of what they discovered. In this scenario the LAPD would have discovered that ballistics to some crime matched that of guns owned and controlled by animal reg. Hmmmm.

We do know that there were no check out sheets. That is to say that on any given day you could not tell who was carrying which gun, pretty convenient.

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