Monday, October 31, 2011

Occupy the World - How Change Happens

76% of the people in the United States think the system is broke. 76% of the people are unhappy with the direction this country is taking including the people that have jobs. The obvious truth is obvious and true. Other than a few politicians who have been paid well to keep the status quo, who likes what is going on in this country?

The media continues to hasten the downfall of the system by denying that anything is wrong. I bet with almost no effort I can list at least five things that the right and left agree upon regarding how this country and it's elite are failing us.

1. Eliminate the Federal Reserve and put an end to our currency being controlled by a private banking institution. That is a very popular aim of the both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.

2. Stop sending our children to wars for oil. Yep, everybody is tired of war.

3. Tax the rich at least as much as you tax everyone else.

4. Limit the amount that people can inherit. People don't mind success, they don't mind people like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates EARNING any amount, they don't really like to see someone inherit a few billion dollars tax free through trust funds and then looking down on the rest of us.

5. Stop allowing monied interests from buying our politicians votes. Yep, can't find too many people in favor of buying off politicians.

6. There is way to much monitoring and control over the average citizen life. Cut back on the cameras and the involvement in our day to day lives, it feels oppressive.

7. Don't ask us to work until we are dead for pennies. And while you are at it, stop stealing our pension money, we worked for it.

8. Don't set up one set of laws for the poor and middle class and another for your friends and those who can pay you off. We all see it and we see it all the time.

9. Stop sending our jobs and technology to other countries. If you are an American company than you should hire within America.

10. Don't turn this into a third world country just so the people who are rich can be richer.

This may not be the most eloquent post I have ever written; but, you probably get the point. I talk to conservatives and liberals and these are the things I hear. In the end, people are frustrated because they feel they are being wronged and that they are being lied to. They have tried to change the laws and that didn't work. They have tried to hold peaceful assemblies and replace the crooks on Washington and that didn't work. They are now holding peaceful assemblies just to air their complaints and that doesn't seem to be working either. So what now?

I saw a sign for Occupy L.A., it said, "Capitalism is working just fine, now what?" That sort of summed it up for me. It is the sort of general feeling that if this is the system working well, we have nothing to lose. Ignore the word capitalism, for this is a perversion of that system, this is pure and simple old school "good boy" networks where you have to be connected to get anything.

Warren Buffet said that this is class warfare and that the rich are winning. He was not being sarcastic and he was not in favor of it. He is one of the three richest men in the world, sort of. For all of the money that Mr. Buffet has made, there are families that are much richer and you don't know who controls their money because it is all hidden in trust funds.

When I hear staunch Republican conservatives tell me that they think we are going to see revolution and that they are disgusted with the system, the system has lost it's biggest supporters. The complaints, in the end, are not about capitalism, the complaints are about how the democratic process and our republican form of government has been perverted and taken over by a few for the benefit of the few.

I myself don't really care about politics anymore. That is to say that I think what is going to happen is going to happen. We live in an oligarchy, that is where the few are in charge of everything. In Political Science it is called the Iron Rule of Oligarchy. It means that all societies eventually devolve into control by a few and then you have revolution. It can take a week, a month, a year or many years; but, once the support of the general populace has been lost, it is just a matter of time.

Societies end in one of two ways. Either they are taken over by outside sources or they have a civil war and are taken over by the populace. While this may sound shocking, the truth is that there is a large number of people who manage this society that want it to fail, sort of. There is and has been taught for many decades the belief that we should have a one world government. For many years people doubted this; but, the internet has allowed this to be openly exposed.

One of the most conservative and respected newscasters in history told us so after he retired. Walter Cronkite - YouTube. I will give you the short answer. Mr. Cronkite was a supporter of a one world government for decades and when he retired, an organization that was working behind the scenes to achieve such a thing, gave him an award.

I am reminded of something while I watch the news. During the Irish Potato famine there was an opinion piece in the New York Times, it said that the famine might be the solution to the "Irish Problem". The Irish (I am Irish) didn't like starving or living under English rule, they didn't like it being illegal to speak our language and didn't like having all their property taken away and given to foreigners. The article basically said that letting them all starve to death would resolve the problem. Nothing left to lose except your life.

We have 30 million people unemployed in this country and an insane amount of people needing government assistance just to eat. There are calls in congress to limit food subsidies for the poor. How many people are you willing to watch starve to death when there is enough food to feed everyone? Will it solve the homeless problem, the unemployment problem or the poverty problem and is that an answer that you can live with?

When you hear people make fun of the Occupy Wall Street movement, ask them how many people they are willing to watch starve to death in the United States. I know what Jesus will ask, he will say when he was hungry you did not feed him and when he was cold you did not clothe him. He will then say that he never knew you.

People need to understand that you cannot hurt or anger all of the people all of the time, this is pretty simple stuff to understand. I shall explain one of the risks. If the people who are unhappy with the way things are begin using the same techniques as the wealthy to take down the system, it will fall like bricks. What if they began paying those who work for the system to tell on the system, a crook is a crook. There is no honor among thieves.

When three fourths of the people believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and are sick and tired of being abused, you had better find a way to have class agreement rather than class warfare. Lets consider that for a minute, let me explain how we are looked at. We have heard congressmen say that the president is promoting class warfare, that means that they believe their are different classes of citizens. I don't recall that in the Constitution. A class system is one in which your rights are determined by your wealth and your congress believes in it.

This is how change happens. When you start ignoring the masses and increasing your open control and disregard for the system then they cease believing in it also. The 60's protests were simple compared to what is coming, those protests were issue driven and this protest is about how wrong the whole system is. The left believes the system is corrupt and perverted and the right believes the system is corrupt and perverted, so, why does the media insist that everything is okay?

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