Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Proof of How Confused They Are

I will give you two examples of how confused the powers that be are. In Oakland the Mayor who had told the police to clear the area of Occupy Oakland protesters, later told the protesters to return. This is completely confusing to the police; but, she managed to top it. Tomorrow the protesters have planned to call for a strike and the Mayor has told City employees that they are allowed to attend in sympathy if they wish. The police have asked the Mayor why she would possibly want City employees on both sides of the picket. If you are confused then just think about how confused the cops are.

Here is the second example. The President of Greece needs to agree to certain austerity measures (reductions in services and retirements and pay for employees) or the country will go bankrupt. The President has been supporting these measures and calling for them; but, there have been many riots in Greece. So what did he do, he set it up to be voted on by the general population. Now the European Union and the President of Greece know that the people will not vote for the bill and it will fail which will result in Greece being able to pay it's debt.

In both of these instances the leaders know what they have been told to do and neither is willing to do it. They are incapable of taking a position, their monied supporters will stop supporting them if they do not get rid of the protesters and approve the austerity measures and the people will come after them if they do. In Greece the President might just find himself dead.

This tinder box will be lit eventually; but, nobody wants the one to start the fire. They all know what happened to Gadhafi (and yes, there is no correct way to spell his name in English). Think the police aren't getting scared. The Oakland police say that all of the police in the picture where the Iraq veteran got injured, they are saying that it was impossible for anyone in the picture to have injured the vet. That has got to make you laugh out loud. If you kill innocent and unarmed civilians on the street in this day and age, your picture will end up on the internet along with all of your personal information.

Yes, the police like the overtime and some (some, not most, most joined to protect and serve, just like my father) should not be police and do bad things. In New York a number of police were involved in ticket fixing and yes, the union supported them and do not want them punished; but, the good cops are sick to their stomach by this. If I had gotten a ticket (and I got a few for speeding), my father would have punished me and he would have been right because he would have done right. I was not afraid of the courts or the cops, I was afraid of my mother and father telling me that I had done wrong and them being right.

There are those who believe that by reading my words, they can create an algorythymn to predict anything, they cannot, my words are my own. I do not support harming innocents, that would be a mistake. That would be wrong. There are to many like me that would be upset by such a thing and we own you.

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