Friday, October 7, 2011

Sometimes it is nice to know there is always hope

The world is in pretty bad shape right now and it will get worse before it gets better. I read so many news sources just to keep up with what is going on that sometimes I feel bad that times are so hard for so many. Those who have followed this blog for sometime know that I do not think things are as they should be and that I am very unhappy with somethings that are coming in the future.

Having said what I have, sometimes I come across things that remind me of how it could be and why it should be. I came across this article and video on the Huffington Post, I will link to it at the end. It is of a little girl and her birthday present. In the video the little girl is very innocent and obviously raised well. There are still families that have their priorities straight, there are still people that want to raise healthy families in love. A child who grows up in such a family remains innocent longer, you don't want them to grow up too quick.

Disneyland Birthday Surprise: Adorable 6-Year-Old Little Girl's Reaction

When life is hard, put a smile on someone else's face and you will smile too. Share joy.

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