Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We Have Finally Become "A Brave New World"

"Brave New World" is a book by Aldous Huxley. The novel is set in the future when people can clone copies of themselves to harvest them for body parts as needed. People could never imagine a society so corrupt that they would be capable of making copies of themselves just to take parts from them, they could not imagine such a think when he wrote the book.

Well ladies and gentlemen, the technology is now here. This article entitled, "Report: Stem cells created from cloned human embryos" from MSNBC is about how science can now clone you from a cell and then get stem cells from your identical embryonic self to heal you. Morally it is even more corrupt then to take the stem cells from an unknown source.

This type of thing will initially be considered the same as saving up your own blood when you are about to get surgery; but, it is more than blood, it is your biologically identical self, it is you. People will justify that it is their body and they can do with it what they want including cloning it. Truth is, it is not you, even if fully grown it will be it's own self, you do not share the same carbon molecules and are unique, you matter and so does everyone else. The corruption is in thinking that anybody doesn't matter or worse yet, thinking you are all that matters.

Women who had agreed to donate their eggs for research were paid $8,000. When the scientists for this project needed eggs the women were asked if it was okay to use it for either project, they were paid the same either way and didn't care what happened to them. This is a morality question and we need to consider it very carefully. The women basically agreed to be cloned and have their clone killed in exchange for $8,000. They agreed to be paid for murder and the cost was only $8,000. I am pretty sure they didn't look at it that way; but, that is what happened.

I do not believe in stem cell research, I do not believe in cloning, I do not believe in "upgrading" our bodies through technology. I do believe we can use technology to replace missing parts; but, not stem cell or cloning technologies. I do not believe in integrating technology with our minds. I think humans should be humans and not hybrids.

People seem to really like the vampire movies and shows these days. If you could live forever; but, it meant continually living off of new life, would you do it? That is what is so morally bankrupt about this, many will choose to be vampires.

I will give my ex-wife credit for something. She always told me that when she died she wanted to donate her body to science. She believed that the parts might be useful for others. I personally couldn't do it, I don't feel comfortable doing it and I am not sure that I would accept a body part from another person. A personal decision and I respect those who differ with me on the matter. There is a difference between giving up body parts to be incorporated into another and creating a new life. That is my moral line in the sand. Donating body parts to science is admirable; but, not to donate them so that a new life can be created just to be killed. It is not the same.

By the way, just because I don't post as often doesn't mean that I have stopped reading the news or having an opinion. I just don't have the time to post everyday, I will only post when I see something that deserves being discussed.

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