Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It is not about taxing the rich more, it is about corruption

So Warren Buffet and Bill Clinton both think the rich should be taxed more. It is not about taxes being fair, although they should. It is about the corruption of the system. It is about how the rich get the rules they want and the rest of us get taken advantage of. It is about fairness in the process. You can tax the rich all you want; but, if that just increases how much they steal from you then nothing has been accomplished.

It is not about greed, it is not about limiting what one makes, it is about corruption. It is about a system that can work around honest rules to continue to take advantage of the honest and promotes dishonesty to justify it's own corruption. It is about fairness.

Who could possibly be against what I have just said? Who is in favor of a corrupt system and against rewarding innovation, hard work and honesty? I am sure that the mass media still cannot understand such simple concepts because they are rewarded for dishonesty. Be well and peace.

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