Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Los Angeles - My Experience

I had reason to be at Los Angeles City Hall today, I don't go there often and had only driven by. I don't care what anyone in the media says, I prefer to investigate myself when I can and I did. I walked throughout the whole encampment in my black suit. I also spoke to some people who work in the building who I have known. Here is what I witnessed.

First and foremost, the Occupiers are paying for portable bathrooms and there was no smell of urine or waste. Secondly, the area was clean and I saw people recycling and removing debris themselves. Thirdly, nobody was rude or intimidating or even bothered with me and I walked through the middle of the encampment. Fourthly, they had a really interesting painting on the plywood that surrounded the historic fountain. Fifthly, it was relatively quiet and some people were playing hacky sack and kickball. Sixthly, their signs were mostly simple and understandable. Those were my in person observations.

While I was in the building I ran across someone I have known for 15 years. I would not call us friends and we do not socialize; however, I have had reason to deal with them on and off and we have a mutual respect. While I am absolutely non-political (no party beliefs and don't trust the vast majority of politicians), this person has always worked with politicians.

We had a few minutes and just chatted. The person was unaware of my personal problems, the deaths in my family or my divorce. It was very pleasant conversation and we enjoyed each others company on a very human level. It may surprise the reader to know that aside from the blog I am also a very human individual and not just all about issues of the day or religion.

I asked the person what they thought about the Occupy Los Angeles movement. They mentioned that the area was more crowded at night and I pointed out that most of them had jobs. As I said that I was reminded of how stupid Cain and others statements were when they tell these people to get jobs as most of them have jobs and it is not their jobs that they are complaining about.

The person I was talking to grew up around politicians and knows how they work. They said to me that they thought the movement needed to pick some specific things that they wanted as they had during the civil rights movement. This is where the conversation gets interesting. I pointed out that if they picked a couple of things and even got the laws passed, the politicians and money behind the scenes would just work around it and nothing would be achieved. They thought about if for a second and agreed.

This person was not against the movement per se, I did not get that feeling at all. I sensed a different issue. They have been in the system so long that they just believe it is what it is and you do the best that you can while working with it. They mentioned how in the past, most politicians actually wanted to do something for their community and lamented that most now just seem concerned with what they can do for themselves.

You might wonder why anyone within the system might be so open with me especially someone who is not close to me. I am pretty up front with my beliefs and I know how the system works, it would not make any sense to attempt to lie to me about how the system works. People who know me understand that I speak the truth and don't accept lies.

The person said that they figured most of the people from the Tea Party that ran for office in the country had already been coop-ed. They said, "You know how it works, the people with money find the weak politicians and enrich them in one way or another. I asked why the movement should have any leaders if it would mean no real change. They asked me when I thought the Occupy people might leave, I said after they sought to remove them and it all turned violent. I said that is when it would really get active.

I have said it before and I will say it again, the people in charge really don't understand what is going on. This is a movement of the sheep, this is not a political movement, it is a social movement. This is about changing the rules of the game, not working with them and not seeking to use the rules of the game to change things, sheep don't do that.

When I call them sheep I am not talking bad about them, I am repeating what Jesus said because it is correct. The vast majority of people are sheep. They are not looking for trouble or to run the world, they just want to be left alone to eat, enjoy the world and rest. They don't like to much agitation and don't like being poked. They will suffer the sheepdog barking and nipping at them and even move when he does; but, there had better be grass where they are going or they get angry.

Political movements are done by people who feel they have some influence and matter to their masters. Sheep don't do political movements, they know that nobody cares what they think and that they don't understand how to make the system do what they want. A smart sheepdog knows how to affect the program.

In Greek news, the Prime Minister wants to resign. That is just so precious and amusing. He was forced to flip flop on having a national referendum. He was told by the other "leaders" that he would go along with the program or be destroyed. He doesn't want to be that face, the one who has to suffer the consequences for abusing the sheep, he is more afraid of the sheep than those who own everything and he has an army. Think he doesn't have surveys done to tell him how people will respond, yes he does and he knows what is going to happen, the people will be in open revolt.

I am not a 1% and I am not of the 99%ers, I am an observer and a Christian. Someone was once asked what they believed and they said they believed they would have another drink, I toast him. I believe that things are what they are and will have the effect they have depending on the decisions made by the 1% and so far all of their decisions have been stupid and predictable, I expect more of the same until it fails completely. I do not know what it will be replaced with; but, the smarter coarse would be to take better care of the sheep.

Why don't the people in power understand. It is actually pretty simple. The people who actually own everything never deal with the sheep directly, they deal with their hired hands and don't know what normal life is. The hired hands deal with activists, they don't deal with the sheep. They deal wish sheep dogs and predators. They deal with those who want something and those who protect.

If you think the media deal with the sheep you are simply naive. The "official" media deal with spin doctors, politicians, famous people and when they do deal with the sheep they call it a "human interest story". Sheep are a commodity, this is what they see. They see people as children who need them and to a degree they are correct; however, it is all about the sheep. In the end, life on this earth is about the sheep about the majority. To be a sheepdog, predator or shepherd is a blessing and it has many perks. When it is about the perks then it is corrupt.

I took a bus when I left City Hall and had to wait for a bit. I watched L.A. County Sheriffs take buses from directly in front of the Occupy L.A. encampment. Nobody bothered them and nobody spit on them, the Occupiers stood with them waiting for buses. It was peaceful. What I say is the truth. I am not sleeping in a tent next to them and I am not sure that we would agree on much; but, I agree with them saying that enough is enough and that they have been taken advantage of by the system because they have.

After my meeting I went to another meeting to start a new church. Don't worry I won't get into religion that much. We have the opportunity to distribute food at a ridiculous price, practically free, to those who are hungry. I personally have the opportunity to give a truckload of food (think three pick up trucks) to people for $125, wow. Occupy yourself with feeding others, what a great occupation.

I agree with the complaints of the 99%, yep, you are getting taken advantage of. At the same time, I see an opportunity to fight the system from within and take what I get paid and use it to feed others. I regret to say that I was successful in my life because I understood the system. I did nothing wrong; but, I thought we could change it from within. I no longer believe that, so, I will use what I am paid to assist those who have need.

There are those who may assume that I have got soft; but, that would be a bad assumption. I like the sheep and think that I do not like the shepherds too much, they are just hired hands. I will feed the sheep and explain how the whole thing works. Lets think about this, sheep with hand grenades that are pissed off. Yeah, that doesn't sound good. Maybe the sheep deserve a break.

In the end my writings are not for and were never intended for the sheep, they are a warning for the hired hands who are bad shepherds. What happens when the police don't follow the instructions and the sheep don't chase the cookies, the hired hand is fired. A few sheep are injured by the predators; but, the end is the same for all. It is an ecosystem and a circle of life, balance must be maintained and the world is most definitely out of balance and we all know it. Even the predators know it and don't like it. Be well and may you know the truth because the truth will set you free.

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