Wednesday, November 2, 2011

There Are More Lies in the Air

An article came out today that I think you will find interesting. Reuters - Nonpartisan group offers US political alternative. I will be very disappointed in my regular readers if they cannot see that this is complete garbage.

A new "organization" has been created called "American's Elect" and it has managed to raise $22 million in order to put forth a third party CENTRIST candidate. The chief strategist (ringleader) worked for both Bloomberg and Clinton. Sounds like a really independent voice doesn't it? Sounds like garbage to me.

Here is what is going on, the Tea Party and the Occupy protesters represent the majority of Americans. If those two groups find their common ground alone (such as eliminating the Federal Reserve) then they could substantially change the fundamentals that have allowed the system to become so corrupt. This organization is basically offering $22 million to the one that can bring them together so long as he promises to not change anything, to be a centrist. Who wants to chase this cookie? The organization has no political ideology, it believes in nothing. Why would anyone fund such a thing other than to distract people from what they know is wrong.

I wonder what threat and what promise will be made next? Actually, I could care less. The resentment and anger is only increasing worldwide as the real message is heard and the real message is that the people who own everything want you to continue living in worse and worse conditions.

I am going to try and simplify the world we are living in today. What percentage of the world has enough to eat, a secure home, hope for a better life and adequate health care? Hands in the air. Yes, you in the front row. "Less than 5% was the answer. It is not because there is not enough food, water or land. Lets do some simple math. 1% of the world's population owns 90% of the world. That means that they could own 10% of the world, be incredibly well off and the rest of the people could be 8 times better off than they are today. Think about it. That is what the average person is waking up to.

Even the poorest person in the world would be better off if he had 8 times as much. Now, I believe that the vast majority of people are worse off if they have too much, they just producing anything and we all do really need each other. Having said that, continually reducing what people have to the bare minimum is nothing less than criminal. We should not look for maximum productivity from society, we should look at a comfortable level of production from all. I do think everyone needs to contribute.

I think I have gotten off track. Now is the attempt to really hijack the protesters and they are being offered $22 million to pick a leader, don't pick one and don't support any candidate. Require the system to correct itself. They know how to do it.

This funding for ANY third party candidate is so obvious, it is so obviously a ploy. Do not buy it or anyone that it puts up as a candidate. Notice how they don't have to say who their contributors are, why not? If you want change, continue exactly what you are doing, it seems to have gotten their fear and attention.

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