Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dumb People Should Not Become Believers in God

Because they make him look bad. So I read this really short article from AFP on Yahoo News. It is a whopping seven sentences. Basically, Oliver Stone's son Sean has converted to Islam while filming in Iran. It says that his mother is Christian and his father is Jewish. I guess he is now covered regardless of who is right, covering all the basis. What bothers me is what he said. He said he was born Jewish and Christian and he still is; but, now he says he is accepting of Muhammad and the other prophets. The article is linked below:

Oliver Stone's son converts to Islam in Iran

One is not born into Christianity or Judaism (as a religion), these are beliefs. Now you may be more likely to accept the beliefs or at least claim to if your parents raise you in a certain faith; but, it is still a belief and not genetics. His understanding of the bible and the Koran is clearly so weak that he does not understand the most basic principles of religion. The biggest attack on true faith is not atheism, it is people who have no true belief and think they do. They think of it as just believing someone was good and that God is only a good feeling.

I wrote about this once before I think; but, it may have been on one of the prior versions of the blog. Faith does not mean simply thinking something is more likely than not, it means that you are willing to take risks because of your belief. In one part of the bible it says that Moses had faith in his staff and leaned on it. He didn't just believe, he acted as if it would hold him up, he trusted that it would hold him up.

Someone who believes all religions has faith in none. Having said that, I would really question his commitment to Islam, I wouldn't be surprised if he "converted" for the sake of making the documentary.

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