Monday, February 13, 2012

Pastor Carol Daniels Tribute

I had just finished posting when I decided to check the stats on the blog. I saw a lot of traffic on Pastor Daniels and decided to search her name and see if anything new had happened. Turns out that her church has placed a monument to her where the church used to be. For those who come here because of the posts about her, I thought you might like to see this.

KFOR - Community remembers pastor with monument

Certainly a day of remembrance for me. A day to remember one that I will not see again and a day to remember one that I was never fortunate enough to ever meet. Perhaps someday I will be fortunate enough to be in Oklahoma, I will stop by the monument in the same way that I stopped my darlings grave today.


Anonymous said...

Occupy: The truth is inside you?

Why did you select this particular murder to feature? Blog hits? Civil rights issues? Religious issues? Indian issues? Woman issues? Women in ministry issues? Serial killer issues?

I have a friend that was once the cheif-whats-in-charge of the Indian Bureau. They killed his dog too.

Some people aren't into "poetic" justice for social/political/ethnically motivated reasons to cash in on another's death or demise.

Some people do not wish to be chief of police or play cowboys and Indians like back in the good ole days of the wild, wild west.

Her murder will never be solved unless some mafia crime figure can be weaved into the narrative.

Just my opinion as always

Anonymous said...

Is this one of those mind expanding save the universe blogs that guarantees all men will be set free if the govt will just turn over evidence of aliens and give us all the ability to heal ourselves and provide energy to all for free?

We could all be psychic if we just learn by repetition, huh?

Pimpernel said...

To the most recent anonymous poster,

I chose to post about Pastor Daniels because I found it disturbing. This blog isn't about anything, as a rule it takes news stories and looks at them from my perspective or raises questions about issues of the day. As for "cashing in", this blog has no advertisements, never has and never will and it raises no money.