Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Internet is the Military and Intelligence Agencies

I wrote about this once before; but, it was a long time ago and I thought it deserved discussing the issue again. All of the communications of the world are monitored on one level or another by the United States. All GPS satellites are owned by the United States Military and controlled by them. Wikipedia - Global Positioning System.

Russia, China, Iran, heck, every nation in the world, every crook in the world, every terrorist in the world, everyone in the world that uses GPS is using a system that is owned and controlled by the U.S. Military. So, why is it that nobody seems to know this? It is claimed that it is all taken care of by four satellites; but, with the government you can never really know.

The internet is also owned by the government. It was designed and created by the military. It was ARPANET. Wikipedia - ARPANET. Once it had proven itself, it was modified and eventually 13 servers became the backbone of the current internet and all of them are controlled by the United States government. The core 13 are known as the Root Name Servers and they control your ability to find anything or communicate with others. Wikipedia - Root Name Servers.

Central to these servers is ARPA. ARPA stood for Advanced Research Projects Agency (now known as DARPA)which is an agency of the United States Department of Defense. You can look either up on Wikipedia. The management of these servers is contracted with private companies; but, the final say is still with the Department of Defense. The two companies that are most interesting to me are Verisign and ICANN. Remember a while back when a number of websites were taken down at the request of the government, that was done by Verisign.

Now, here is a question for the little ones. Why does the government allow anyone in the world to access the internet? Better yet, why doesn't the government openly take credit for the internet? Here is another question, when we go to a cashless society, the United States government will control the international currencies. During a war we could simply put a stop to another countries ability to use the internet and access their currencies and of course the GPS.

As you read this I do hope you understand the importance of what I am saying. Read the articles fully and you will understand the simplicity of it. You do not have a basic human right to use the internet and in the end the focus of the internet is not commerce, it is achieving predictability of human reactions to social and environmental forces. It's purpose is predictive programming.

Some people recently were discussing how the President wanted an internet kill switch; but, the truth is, he always has had that switch. He just has to shut down the 13 computers and the whole thing comes to an end. In fact, he also has the ability to reboot the internet (it takes three keys) and involves three military bases. I wrote about this before and provided links.

The internet began in the early 60s and it wasn't until the late 80s and early 90s that private companies were allowed to use it. Why were private companies allowed to use it? When the private companies were allowed to use it a couple of big companies emerged. AOL being the one that did the best. In order to use the internet you had to have a service provider like AOL. I didn't like the limitations of a service provider, I didn't trust them and there were limitations. I obtained a truly independent service provider, my original service provider was a couple of NASA engineers who started their own business because they knew about these things before they became public. How technical were they, not vary. I had to show them how to configure the first Internet Explorer software to work within their server. I was beta testing the software.

I was one of the first people on the internet, it was part of my job to investigate it because nobody knew what it was going to become. We thought AOL and Prodigy and Compuserve were the internet. The public face of the internet in the beginning was not the government, it was these private service providers.

Look at the garbage we believe. People think Google and Facebook and Yahoo are going to control the internet. They are not, the government OWNS the internet. I know the government can see anything and everything on the net. I know they know who I am and who you are. They know who visits this site and every other site in the world because they control the infrastructure.

In the future you are going to be required to have a unique, personal identification in order to use the internet and it is going to require facial recognition in order to verify who you are. This is already being discussed nationally and internationally.

Now here is some wisdom. You do not build infrastructure if you don't know what you want in the end. Well it is called the Information Awareness Office. Wikipedia - Information Awareness Office. Their purpose is to have "Total Information Awareness", their description of their purpose, not mine. And who created them, DARPA, the same people who created the internet. If the same people created these two things then if you put the two together, you understand the purpose. The purpose of the internet is to convince people to provide every detail of their life to the government under the illusion that any of it is hidden from them.

William Safire reported that the Information Awareness Office was funded to create dossiers on 300 million Americans. That meant all of us. This same office was funded to find a way to bio-metrically identify people. In other words, identify people just by facial recognition software. That only works if you have cameras everywhere and that is why we have cameras everywhere.

This is not me being paranoid, I provided the links and you can go to their own websites. I have. Everytime you tweet or post, the government has access to it and it gets added to your file. The FBI told me that I don't have a file and that if I do it means that I am on a "Watch Lit". Not a "no fly" list. My answer to that is always the same; but, I will clean it up, my answer is "Watch This". LOL.

Why do we hear so much about Facebook having facial recognition software and that being a threat to our privacy when the government has had it for decades? Do you think they don't have voice recognition technology? That has been around for decades also. If you use technology that has a camera or a microphone (and what doesn't, most use both) then every time you use it, you are identified.

Now, I don't want people to be all paranoid. Nobody cares what 98% of you think or do, you are probably not that interesting and pose no threat. You are openly being told that you have no privacy on the internet for a reason. They want you to reject people who are not wired in. What do you think about people who don't own a cell phone, use only cash and won't use the internet? Social pressure is an amazing thing.

The Pimpernel apologizes for not having written better posts recently. There was not much in the news that I cared about and I was sad. The news is getting more interesting and I am feeling better. I even got to see my old dog (lives with my ex-wife) recently and that was nice. I wanted her (the dog) to see me before she passes on and she is very old. I do hope that the last few posts have risen to what my regular readers have come to hope for out of me.

The purpose of writing these new articles is because I have been asked to explain these things to people and we will be making some videos in multiple languages. So the request got me thinking about starting with the basics again. When I first began this blog, a few years ago, someone tried to convince me that while what I said might be interesting and true, they said that nobody would understand me. I think they were wrong, heck, based on what people tell me, I communicate fairly well.

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