Saturday, April 14, 2012

You Will Have Two Choices, Yes and No

Japanese banks are installing new ATMs. Currently, the ATMs require a card and your biometric freatures (palm, eye or fingerprints) are used to verify that you are you and prevent others from using your card. These banks are now going to no longer require the card, your biometric identification alone will allow you to access your money.

Gizmag - Japanese palm-reading ATMs to allow card-free transactions

I cannot imagine that any of my regular readers do not understand the times we live in. I cannot imagine anyone regularly visiting this blog and not care about these things. I am amusing; but, not that amusing. In Japan, currently, in order to access your money through an ATM, you have to give the bank your biometric information. There are vary few Christians in Japan and I wonder how they feel about this.

In Scotland schools your biometric information is required to get a school lunch and it is also how the lunch is paid for. Why isn't this bigger news? Here is the article from Gizmag - Palm Vein-based Biometric ID system for schools. In the article it says “This installation in the education sector provides a first glimpse of a school of the future,” said Mike Nelson, General Manager, Fujitsu Europe Limited. “Biometric solutions will increasingly allow us to move towards a cashless society and this project is one of the first real examples in the UK of an innovative and truly practical biometric solution in operation.

I write about the cashless society and how it is tied to biometrics and it is coming and in different parts of the world, different aspects of it are in use; but, it isn't discussed in the mainstream media very much. Consider what Mr. Nelson said, we cannot have a cashless society if we do not have your biometrics.

Let us assume that we are going to eliminate physical currency and have an all electronic currency. If I want to steal money from you, mug you, then I will either have to force you to put your hand on the sensor or cut it off and do it time and time again. You can do the same with someone's eye. Now lets talk about car keys.

If you have a newer car then you have a newer key. The new keys are laser cut and can only be duplicated by the manufacturer (they are also expensive). When I had my Mercedes, I had to prove it was me to get a key and the people at Mercedes had to get a copy of my license so that they could get the key from the manufacturer. In the future it will be my biometrics.

Now, I am going to get biblical on you. The Book of Revelations said 2,000 years ago that we would have a one world currency and nobody would be allowed to buy or sell without a mark on their hand or forehead. You can believe the bible or not, that is a personal choice; but, the technology required to require such a mark worldwide was not available until now. That is a fact. In the future all currency will be electronic and you will be required to be scanned on your forehead or your hand in order to make financial exchanges. Churches won't even be allowed to receive cash if the members have not provided their biometric information.

I have previously written about the coming requirement that one have an individual identification in order to use the internet. One European or Scandinavian country has already said that they are moving forward with that. Put the pieces together. In order to buy or sell, you will need to be in a biometric database and have an individual international identification.

My readers know that I research these things and provide links so that you can verify that I am not paranoid or making these things up, they simply are. Many people believe these technologies are great and do not care about their privacy; but, lets consider just how much information is electronically kept about you. Every tweet, every post, every purchase, every call, every place you went with your cell phone or in your car or carrying your passport or where you took your dog or your when your computer was with you is tracked. That is GPS technology.

I know that some of my readers are atheists and it doesn't matter, what I write about effects them also. Are any of my readers happy to know that they will not be allowed to buy or sell unless they have an international identification and have all of their biometric information stored so that they can be tracked. This is why they are against Burqas and hoodies, the cameras cannot see and identify you. Look, government will be prevented from outlawing these things, you won't be required to show your face; but, in exchange, you will be required to be scanned on your hand in order to buy or sell.

The scanners in Scotland, they don't just scan your palm. They scan your working veins in your hands. I don't recall if the article said how it dealt with people who had no hands, I bet they scan their forehead?

The United States government has announced that in the future if you have not paid your taxes, you passport will be deactivated and passports in the United States have RFID chips in them. What if you were not allowed to buy food unless you had paid your taxes? I be fewer people would cheat on their taxes.

So what brought this all up? Well I attended a church tonight and after the service, one of the attendees had asked me about Revelations. I liked their question, they asked about the Rapture (that is when we are told some believers will leave this world at the same time during the end times). I said that I thought there would be Christians left behind and that it would be a great opportunity to help others understand what was going on and support those who awakened. I am not of the Harold Camping crowd, I don't believe that all believers avoid the end times and I believe we continue to have new believers. I was then asked about "cookies". LOL.

I use an analogy of cookies to explain how the world works. The masses are managed by giving them cookies. Your cookie could be money or fame or toys or jewelry or sex or whatever. People chase cookies. If you threaten to take away their cookies for doing wrong or giving them cookies for doing what you want then the degree to which they are your slave is equivalent to their greed for their cookie. Money is the cookie that most love because it can buy just about any other cookie.

What happens when you have a choice between taking a mark or not having any of your cookies? When you have a cashless society, the government will expect you to pay taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, income tax, whatever tax and you won't be able to if you don't have your biometrics because you won't be able to use your bank and their won't be any physical currency. If you don't pay your taxes, you will lose your house, you won't be able to buy anything or sell anything and you will lose everything you own, you won't even be able to pay for gas or car insurance or your license. You will lose all mobility.

In the end, you will have two choices, yes and no. Which will you pick?

1 comment:

sizzlingcell said...

Wow...that about sums it up, I am not surprised but still very disturbed, God help us all.