Monday, September 24, 2012

Still Here

I have been very busy, had to take someone to a doctor appointment and other things. I try and read the news and provide relevant content to my dear readers. I don't write about the garbage that you can read in every news source, I look for what might have been missed.

I did read something, I read that Elliot Broidy would receive his sentence Friday. We will see if it makes the news. I also got notified by Google that all of my g-mail documents have been moved to the cloud.

For those who have been long time readers, isn't it interesting to watch these things transpire? Soon the government and the Federal Reserve will own just about all mortgages, they already control the water and what you can farm and your healthcare. You can vote for Romney or Obama or anyone, it doesn't really matter at this point. We don't produce enough to sell to others, that is just the truth. We manufacture the best weapons in the world; therefore, we make our money from wars. If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

What happens when cannot afford war any longer? The Chinese are not going to come and attack us, they like selling our inventions to us. They just want to get paid with real money. What happens when nobody wants our dollars? Some say we need a revolution and then what, we still don't make anything to sell to others. Who wants to work for $2 a day?

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