Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Have a Fever

I was running around so much yesterday that I was not paying attention to my body. Yesterday I woke up kind of shaky; but, just didn't make anything of it. I couldn't eat dinner and went to bed; but, kept going in and out of weird dreams and would wake up covered in sweat and cold.

The dreams were those strange fever dreams, semi lucid. Don't expect a big post tonight, I am still trying to shake it off. I hate the part where you lose your taste buds during a fever, that and the clammy skin; but, the dreams are the most interesting.

Anyways, don't worry about the Pimpernel, I am sure I will be fine. And in case you are wondering, I never take flu shots. I believe (as do many nurses) that they prevent you from gaining natural immunities. I don't think getting sick is always a bad thing, sometimes our bodies have to speak up for themselves.

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