Saturday, November 3, 2012

Windows 8 and what it leads you to

I was reading "Wired" and came across an article on The 10 Best Features in Windows 8. As I read through the features I came across some things that may tell us where the programs are all headed and this caught my attention.

"Settings Sync

No matter what PC, tablet or notebook you use, you’ll be able to sync your personal settings. Thanks to the Microsoft account and Windows 8’s cloud-friendly platform, your personalizations can travel with you. The “Sync your settings” option within your PC settings lets you sync personalizations (background, colors, lock screen and account picture), passwords, language preferences, app settings, browser settings, and more. It makes using a new device much easier and makes borrowing a friend’s tablet or notebook a more personal experience."

So why did this stick out. Well, if you go back and read my posts on electronic currency, I said it would have to be available to everyone. What happens when your cell phone or computer breaks, you would still need access to your cash. By designing Windows 8 around the cloud, you could access your account, passwords and everything else so long as it was held on someone else's servers (the cloud).

Now I know that I also said that the computers and phones will recognize you by your biometrics and watch you to see what you are thinking. Here is another article for your amusement. Tobii Introduces Gaze Interface for Windows 8 to Revolutionize Laptop Interaction. Oh, and this is from Windows own website - Windows Biometric Framework Overview

There was a time when the internet was called the World Wide Web, that is why it says www before a domain name. People don't seem to call it that much anymore. It was a very good name because in the end, the internet is just that a worldwide web, it connects to all the information in the world including your personal information.

So, with all that information out there and all this "cyber-bullying" going on, how will the government protect you? I believe the personalization will include what and who you are allowed to interact with. It will begin with protecting children and women from stalkers. Because you will log on using biometrics, those setting will follow you no matter whose device you use, even on a borrowed one.

I know a nice couple in the San Diego area, I even had lunch with them while attending a seminar. I have reason to believe they still read this little blog. When I met them about 3 or 4 years ago, we had a mutual acquaintance that moved to Australia. I had told this mutual acquaintance and others that in the future the internet would become more restrictive and since then we have seen that in Australia. What we do not want to believe today becomes what we demand tomorrow.

Did you know that Wired magazine reported that the "U.N. Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right"? They also said that disconnecting people from it is a violation of International Law. Wait a second, the "internet" is owned by the US government, why is it a requirement that all nations be allowed to use it at all?

In December, in Dubai, there will be a meeting to discuss International control over rules for the internet. Fox News - One month until they regulate the Internet. Don't expect much, it will be claimed that they could not come to major agreement; but, it is not intended to, it is merely putting the infrastructure in place for future controls.

I find it amusing that the meeting is being held in Dubai. I have always seen Dubai as the modern day Babylon where all the merchants of the world meet.

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