Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guns and Gays

You have to love that title. Which word got your attention the most, it says a lot about you. Now I will say how I feel about both. I grew up with guns in the house and learned to shoot and became a very good shot. I am excellent with both hand guns and shotguns. I am not as good with a rifle because of my eyesight. I grew up with friends making fun of gays and not even really understanding them. I was never anti-anyone and as I met people who came out in High School, I just never cared. A friend is a friend. We called people faggots for being wimps, not for their sexuality. I am going to get to the gun thing. People sure are making a big deal out of gay marriage, gays can have contracts too and marriage is a contract.

Guns. Lots of talk about gun control. If you are a Christian then you are to obey the government. We are referred to as slaves and sheep by God and Jesus. The idea of a Christian shooting other people so that he can keep his guns is completely Un-Biblical, it is Constitutional; but, we are to report to a higher ideal and authority. There is a story of a church in China. The military came in and told everyone that they would have to say that they renounced Christ or would be killed. They asked who wanted to come up first and young girl raised her hand. She walked up before them and said she would never renounce Christ. They had expected an older person to come up and then would have shot them in the head in front of the rest, it didn't work out that way and they did not kill anyone that day. If the majority of this nation is really Christian then when we don't need any guns, all we have to do is sit down and nothing works.

Now, here is the real question. Are you more upset that there are gays in the world or that there are guns in the world? Let us now look at the choices. Outlaw gay marriage and gun ownership. Outlaw gay marriage and allow people to have any weapon they want. Allow gay marriage and outlaw guns. Which of the three do you choose. Now eliminate the one you chose and pick between the remaining two, that says where your heart is.

We give away our rights while we fight over preventing others from having their rights. I do not find homosexuality appealing personally and I preach to many gays. I also do not find clubbing to be very attractive or indiscriminate sex or many things. I am straight and always have been, if I found homosexuality attractive then I would not be straight; but, that does not mean I have to hate gays and I don't. I would hate to think that gays were required to hate me because I am straight and I know many who actually love me and I love them.

I am disappointed in people who call themselves Christians and are willing to kill to keep their guns. I read the ten commandments, it said that thou shall not kill. It did not say that thou shall not have sex with the same sex. Homosexuality did not make the top ten; but, killing did. If you believe there is a hierarchy in sin, then shouldn't you trust in God and believe killing is higher on the list than homosexuality. He wrote the ten after all.

I have members of our church that are gay and read this blog. I have friends that are gay and read this blog. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I believe we were designed to be with the opposite sex, we were designed to go forth and procreate in the manner that we are designed to. I believe we were designed to be with one other person, that we all have a soul mate of the opposite sex. I also believe that we can love people of the same sex, I loved my father and love my brother and I love many other men; but, not sexually.

They will ask me if homosexuality is a sin and I tell them it is, it is imperfection and we are all imperfect. Then the next statement from me is can you at least avoid violating the ten commandments and not kill anyone? Now, if you claim to believe in Christ, tell me that soldiers who kill people can go to heaven and gays cannot. I preach to gays, I preach soldiers, I will preach to anyone that shows up. There is one church that protests at the gravesites of soldiers and they are ridiculed. I also disagree with them; but, at the least they try and promote the ten commandments. What church refuses to allow in anyone who has killed, whether at war or not? How many churches keep out gays and allow in people who have killed?

I could into church this Sunday and call them all faggots (though there are many straight people also) or call them all killers. I could explain what I meant by both the terms. Which is a bigger sin to overcome if you believe there is a hierarchy of sin? If you believe the bible, if you believe we are all sinful, would you be gay or a killer? Neither does not work, pick between the two. I do not like either, I would be gay than kill someone. To the "fags" that read my site, I love you. To the people who have killed, I love you. I love God and he tells me to love everyone, that we are all flawed and all matter. You matter, the truth is inside you and the truth is that we all matter. It is for God to judge how much we cared about ourselves and how much we cared about others, I don't know those answers. I know none of us are perfect except God.

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