Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This is the TTIIY News for January 15th, 2013

Life is really hectic for the Pimpernel right now and I find myself spending time doing things I had not anticipated. One of the things happened today, a co-worker who I have known for about 21 years needed some help on a project. It was no big deal for me at all, I had all the facts and information because it involved something I am passionate about within my industry.

Well we started talking and she started crying. I assured her that we could the assignment and that I knew all the answers off the top of my head. It turned out that there was something else going on. I bought her a cup of coffee and we discussed life for a few hours. The young lady has had a rough few years and it all sort of caught up on her. That happens to all of us sometimes. I would not say that this lady and I are close, the did not know all that had happened to me and I did not know all that had happened to her. I would say that we are on friendly terms and we had a good conversation, she had a chance to look at some things that I had also experienced.

That is not the news, that is the moral of the story, the news stories follow. We live moment to moment and person to person. This lady was hurting and I knew I could help and so I did, just two co-workers helping one another and catching up. As you read these news stories remember the most important thing is how we treat one another.

Mail Online - Owe a friend some money? Just pay them with a text: New scheme could make transferring cash as simple as sending a message. The article is from the Mail Online because the London Times charges to read it. Once again it is about how you will only have electronic money. England is preparing to launch a bank authorized manner for texting your friends money. People will love it, they will have an electronic proof of who owes them and how much. Heck, the government can even tax the monetary gifts you make to friends.

Mail Online - Did Google Street View car run over a donkey? Camera car appears to hit animal on dirt road in Botswana. Okay, I didn't originally read the article in the Mail, I was just to lazy to remember where I saw it. I think it was Yahoo. It doesn't really matter. The story is about how Google may have run over a donkey while filming all the worlds roads for their Street View program. What is really interesting is what the road was that they were filming. The road is in Africa, in Botswana and it is a DIRT ROAD. Now ask yourself this simple question, "What makes any economic sense to be filming dirt roads in the middle of nowhere for a poverty stricken African country? Maybe they are done, has Google filmed every inch of the world yet?

Fox News - Associated Press - Report: German central bank to repatriate part of its massive gold reserves from US, France. Germany is taking its God back. It has stored it for years in both Paris and the United States. In fact, the United States stores the gold for much of the world in New York. Moving this much gold is going to be very expensive and risky. The gold will most likely need to be moved by ships and ships sink. It will also be very difficult to transfer gold between nations as is now done, it is just moved from one countries vault to another. What is Germany expecting? Or worse yet, what is it that it fears?

Yahoo News - Satanists planning rally for Florida Gov. Rick Scott. I personally am against school sponsored prayer. I do believe it is constitutional as the founding fathers practiced it, school was also voluntary back then. Community schools were paid for directly by the community and the teachers taught what the community found acceptable and you didn't have to send your kid to school. We don't live in that environment and I don't want Atheists or Muslims or Satanists teaching my kids their prayers and I don't feel a need to have Christians teach their views to non-Christians. I believe everyone has a right to pray; but, I don't believe anyone should be forced to listen.

Well, that is my news update. As an old newscaster used to say, "From the desert, to the sea to all of Southern California" that is the news. Remember this, whatever the big news story of the day is usually the least important being blown up for ratings.

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