Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Going to bed, feeling better and some news.

The Pimpernel had a mild case of heat stroke. I hope I am better now. Here is some real news.

The Telegraph - EU makes bank creditors bear losses as Cyprus bail-in becomes blue-print for rescues. How not surprising, predicted and discussed on this blog already. It is a show, the script does not change and bail-ins will occur.

Alex Jones - The Federal Reserve Is Paying Banks NOT To Lend 1.8 Trillion Dollars To The American People. I hate to use Alex Jones; but, they summarized it well regarding the money that is being held, parked while it could be invested in the United States.

Yahoo - Reuters - Fed pledges to get tough on Wall Street as adopts Basel rules. The establishment of international law over monetary policies is in effect. I even wrote about Basel in the last few weeks and discussed this.

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