Monday, July 1, 2013

Muggy and Hot and News

I am an old desert rat and can usually handle the heat; but, not when it is humid. I don't do well with humidity and it has been over a 100 degrees and humid. I went to church yesterday, it is not air conditioned and came back completely drained. I took the day off and have been pumping in the water. Getting old is not as much fun as I thought it would be. I will post a couple of news articles and go to bed early.

ABC News - Putin: Edward Snowden Can Stay in Russia on One 'Strange' Condition. It makes perfect sense, the condition is that he stops working against U.S. interests. Putin also mentioned that Snowden is not one of the agents. There are rules to the game. Neither the Chinese or the Russians want to be involved in this one and neither is surprised that we data mine, they do too.

EMERCON of Russia - Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA. Heck, the Russians are even coming to America in the even we need help in an emergency.

Wired - Mad Scientist Sees Future Where We Sell Our Quantified Selves on eBay. This is a short article and well worth the read.


Zack Helsing said...

Heat is terrible, as is getting old.

Pimpernel said...

Dear Zack,

Nice to meet you and yes, I am getting older. Isn't it great to live in a world with air conditioning?