Saturday, July 13, 2013

Garbage in the news.

Isn't it funny how everyone of our institutions is being shown to be corrupt? People who never even cared about how the world works are suddenly concerned. That is the real trick, you have to destroy what exists before you can replace it. My brother is really smart and understands people. When I told him that my ex had asked for a divorce, he asked if she was cheating on me. I said that she was with another and he something really funny, he said that people don't leave until they already have a landing spot, someone else.

This is not about my ex, lol. This is about how you completely change your life. You pick where you are going before you give up on where you are. As we watch all the institutions fail, understand that the people leading this change already know where they want us to go. Focus on the infrastructure and you will know where they think we are going.

CNBC - The Myth of the Overpaid American CEO. It is a nonsense article that claims that CEOs should be paid more than the owners of the company or the workers. Pay is a type of tax. If a company makes 10% more each year, who should benefit? The stockholders, the CEO and management team, the workers. Does it matter where the increase in value came from, what if all of the increase was due to the workers? Who should benefit or should all benefit or should only some benefit? If I increase what you make by 10%, should I benefit at least 10% of my salary or maybe 10% of the total benefit. I am discussing capitalism. What does it really mean and what does it mean if we allow slavery and will it work if we actually reward who benefits us as they benefit us?

Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan, it is reported, believe in Ayn Rand and completely uncontrolled markets. He is claimed to have believed that even fraud was okay and that it would all work itself out. Ayn Rand sort of believe in Satanism, Aleister Crowley (the most famous Satanist) said that the whole law was "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". Greenspan seems to agree and Ayn Rand certainly did. Funny, they believe in no restrictions on themselves and plenty of restrictions on workers. If it is okay for the owners of a large bank to cheat people, is it okay for their employees to cheat them? I bet they would say that it is not.

CNBC - Markets Sigh in Relief on Bernanke Comments. And what were his comments, pretty simple, as you as you don't hire people, you can keep making easy money. He won't stop giving away free money as long as American businesses don't hire.

Press TV - Britain hands Libor rate supervision to New York Stock Exchange. We are going to turn over the setting of interest rates from proven criminals and insiders to a new group that has been proven to manipulate markets. You will accept international control over setting these rates because you will not trust your own and they cannot be trusted.

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