Saturday, July 13, 2013

Secret Societies, Our Government and College

There was a man named William Cooper, he was a "conspiracy theorist". Many years ago he wrote a book called "Behold a Pale Horse". I am going to provide a link to the audio book, it is about three hours long. Mr. Cooper predicted 911 and shortly after it happened he was killed in front of his house, being shot from behind by policemen who were acting like drunken cowboys. President Bill Clinton called Mr. Cooper the most dangerous radio host in America. I don't think it was because Mr. Cooper believed in UFOs, I think it was because he understood the drive towards globalism. It is an admitted fact that the Clintons are globalists. Before you listen to the audio book, I want you to watch this short video.

YouTube - Hillary and Walter Cronkite - Not JBS - For World Government. We have to keep our eye on the prize, the thing others think is the prize. The real prize is loving and forgiving one another and trusting in God. The prize most seek is some sort of utopian world; but, their utopia has no room for real freedom or real variation in the thing that really matter. The most important right in the world is the freedom of thought. There is a line in the bible which says, roughly, what does it benefit a man to gain the world and lose his soul.

Behold A Pale Horse ( Audio Book).

In the book, Mr. Cooper talks about many different groups and how they all serve the same agenda. The groups themselves are not secret, we know their names and it is relatively easy to find books about them. What is secret is what they discuss. For social groups, this does not much matter. For political groups in a democratic society, it does. You may remember that both George Bush and John Kerry were members of Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is a secret society for Yale students.

Here is what you need to know. There are certain groups that mold public opinion and determine what the agenda of nations will be. On the lowest level, they are groups such as the Masons, Rosicrucians, Kabalah and other semi-spiritual organizations that have semi-spiritual rituals and focus on good works. Think of these groups in the same way that you think of fraternities in college. Other examples with a less spiritual focus would be the Rotary Club and other such organizations. These groups do not actually set any policies, they help implement policies and don't even know who is setting their agendas as the agendas come down from their leadership.

On a higher level we have a series of very exclusive groups that set policies internationally. You should become familiar with these groups.

Wikipedia - The Bilderberg Group.

Wikipedia - Trilateral Commission

Wikipedia - Council of Foreign Relations

Wikipedia - Round Table Movement

Wikipedia - Chatham House

Wikipedia - Bohemian Grove

Now, what do all these groups have in common. Firstly, they believe in globalism and international law superseding national and sovereign law. If you listen to the whole audio book you will find that many of the things that Bill Cooper talked about have now been proven. The things that Snowden has released were discussed by Mr. Cooper. The book was written in 1991.

Wikipedia - The Club of Rome

Some of the things that Mr. Cooper talks about I disagree with and he certainly changed his beliefs over the years. He came to believe that aliens are not visiting earth and that if they did show up, it would be a lie. Personally, I don't believe in the Patriot movement, I don't believe in violence. Over the years many people have stolen from Mr. Cooper, people like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense and David Icke have relied heavily on the research that Mr. Cooper did regarding the organizations and societies that have an inordinate amount of influence over decision making without having public participation.

As Mr. Cooper goes into some great detail about aliens in the third tape, I think I should point out my view and it is one that Mr. Cooper came to believe later in life. Firstly, we are not being visited by aliens. The alien, ghosts and other phenomenon are used to hide the truth about what our governments do and what they are capable of. Consider the two most common conclusions people draw when something out of the ordinary happens. If they believe in aliens, ghosts or whatever then they accept the phenomenon as so inspired. If they do not believe in the supernatural then they ignore it as natural, mis-identification or lies. Government advanced technologies are rarely considered and when they are, nobody follows up on it.

A few years back there was an event in Phoenix called the Phoenix Lights. Here is a wikipedia article on it. Phoenix Lights. There is no denying that these lights were seen in Phoenix and there is no denying that something very strange happened. The two choices we are given is that they were flares being dropped from planes or aliens. It was not flares and that hypothesis has been thoroughly been debunked. It also was not aliens. Problem is, nobody is asking what it really was. Why is it that people don't question whether or not it was some government technology being tested to see it's effect on a population? It is an admitted fact that the government has tested the spreading of certain diseases (usually the flu) on civilians without their knowledge. As recently as a couple of weeks ago the government said that they were going to test the security of the New York subway by exposing people to something. That was openly printed in the main stream media newspapers.

Disinformation and information spin are the tools of intelligence organizations. I would you to consider something. Ronald Reagan reported that while he was governor of California he had witnessed a UFO. Ronald Reagan also used to ask what we (the world) would do if confronted by an alien attack and he said he believed the world would come together as one. If you were president and believed in aliens and believed they might come here, what would you do? I know what I would do, I would make preparations with other governments to unify if ever faced with certain challenges and you know what, that is why it was so easy for the power brokers to get Reagan to go along with contingencies for world government. He who controls the information controls the decision maker.

We are not being visited by aliens. Do aliens exist, my guess would be yes. My reason is simple whether you believe in God as I do or believe in a "scientific" "big bang" theory, there sure are a lot of stars and planets and it seems like (as one person said) a real waste of space if none of them were inhabited. The problem is that the things often claimed to be of aliens don't fit any logical construct. An advanced civilization capable of coming here would have no use for the type of bizarre medical procedures that are claimed to be done to "abductees", the types of actions done by "UFOs" do not fit with any reasonable scientific theories; but, that assumes that the ufos are physical. If we accept that not every UFO is explainable using standard scientific theories that does not mean we must accept an alien hypothesis, we do have other options. What if the "UFO phenomenon" was merely an attempt to see how people's perceptions could be manipulated using advanced technology and the power of suggestion? What makes that less likely than aliens or assuming that millions of people worldwide mistakenly claim to have seen UFOs?

Here is another thing to consider. Recently, the military along with local police conducted exercises to combat a zombie invasion. Everybody thought it was a cute idea and would be fun. What they were really training for was dealing with a major civil disturbance and those who riot were portrayed as zombies. A zombie is somebody who does not do as told and instructed during a collapse of society, that is what the imagery is. Aliens are used in the same way. It is an image used for planning purposes when you cannot say what the image represents. If you listen to the second half of the audio book, consider that Mr. Cooper may have read the documents he says that he did; but, he assumed they were true and not an intentional manipulation of his perception until after he wrote the book.

Now, lets talk about what is really going on. We created a world of super-rich and super-influential people. In Political Science this is called the iron rule of oligarchy. Every society eventually is run by a few, this is history. As we move towards international governance the oligarchy becomes smaller, some win and some lose. All oligarchies rely on the best and the brightest to tell them how to achieve their goals. Those who assist are rewarded with whatever they want. The best and the brightest are recruited into a system which indoctrinates them into certain beliefs, simple beliefs. The essence of the belief is that the world should be run by the best and brightest, that is the true top of the organization of the world that we are entering. The world that they seek is one based on Plato's concepts and I am Aristotelian.

I am definitely getting old. 33 years ago someone attempted to recruit me into academia. He was a Professor Emeritus with Harvard, internationally known and a very wonderful person. He was also one of my professors and I did not attend Harvard. He was brilliant and intellectually sincere. He made every effort to be fair and objective in his thinking and I miss him dearly. Here I was a filthy young punk, I washed somedays; but, not all of them. I was rude and crude and brutally honest. I was also incredibly original in my answers and was discussed by all of the Professors in the Political Science department; but, love me or hate me, this one Professor who headed the department liked me. It was one of his references that guaranteed me into graduate school. His reference alone would have gotten me into any college I wanted and he was pleased to give it. References were not an issue for me and I didn't even need those, I was asked to apply to my doctoral program by the college itself.

I am not bragging, I am trying to explain a system. My professors wanted me to become a professor, they were pleased to know that I did not wish to practice law; but, disappointed that I wished to be a practitioner, they thought I had more to offer. Lets think about that for a moment. They believed that I could influence people to implement the policies I believed in and that it was the best way to influence the world. That is the philosophy of academia, it is sort of subversive and very much in line with Plato. They believe the world should be run by the best and the brightest and that is what all secret societies believe. All of them.

At a cocktail party at his house the Professor quizzed me. He asked me if I thought the world should be run by the best suited. It was a test, I have had many tests in my life. I told him that I thought the best and brightest should run the world; but, that I believed in democracy. I do not believe that we can possibly identify the best and the brightest and that people naturally favor their own offspring, I am in agreement with Aristotle. We cannot have the perfect form of government as all degrade into sell serving oligarchies. I believe that we should have as many people involved in decision making as possible, I believe in the most important marketplace of all, the marketplace of free expression of ideas.

The greatest threat to oligarchies is knowledge. True understanding by those who do not benefit from the system that is designed to benefit a few. We would like to think that the system benefits people as they contribute to it, that is the Platonic vision; but, it does not and will not, we will never see an oligarchy of the best and the brightest. God appoints our leaders and they are hired hands who do not care about the sheep. That is what the bible says and the evidence is all around us. All who wish to control others are arrogant and selfish, they have no faith in God and believe man can do better. We have not done so yet and will not. If you keep doing the same thing and expecting a different response, you are living a life of insanity.

I do hope this gives you something to enjoy and listen to and spend some time with when you are bored. I try and be entertaining. Peace.

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