Friday, July 19, 2013

More Media Lies, this Time About Satanists

A few days back I was going to write about different "religious" secret societies and symbolism; but, I didn't feel I got it quite right and then I came across this.

ABC News - Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite. The newsman talks about these "Devil Worshipers". Well, they are not Devil Worshipers because they do not believe in a literal Devil. If ABC had bothered reading what they have posted on their website they would have understood that or, just maybe, they did know and were looking for a sexy story.

Here is a quote and a link to their website. "Satanism is not mindless abandon and depravity, but a philosophy that drives us to lead fruitful and dignified, epicurean lives. Satan, the symbolic force of design that would urge humanity toward refined pleasures of the Arts and Sciences." The Satanic Temple. Another quote from them, "The Satanic Temple seeks to separate Religion from Superstition by acknowledging religious belief as a metaphorical framework with which we construct a narrative context for our goals and works. Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness." The fact is that this particular group sees Satan and God as myth and metaphor, not real live beings.

You might ask yourself why all the ritual. It is nothing more than performance art meant to challenge believers. The "Church of Satan" (founded by Anton LaVey, the author of "The Satanic Bible) is also run by an Atheist. Here is the difference between these two groups, "The Church of Satan" doesn't do public protests. The "Satanic Temple" which is doing these protests is using the imagery to protest religion's influence on society.

The so called "Pink Mass" that they performed is not a Satanic Ritual, it is a protest. They supposedly held a mass where two men kissed above the grave of a Westboro Baptist Church founder's mother to turn her gay. THERE IS NO SUCH RITUAL IN SATANISM. This is all just more media deception to get people angry and they know that these people are just putting on a show. Christians with any insight (and we are told to be discerning) need to understand that this is ridicule by Atheists and not by true believers in Satan.

Groups claiming to be Satanists or Luciferians are often not in the literal sense. Many are collections of Atheists and Agnostics who do not like having fundamentalist Christianity forced upon them and use the imagery to upset and ridicule. People who actually believe in a literal and real person to be Satan or Lucifer and actually believe that their rituals have supernatural powers would not be allowed in these groups and are often small groups of young men and women who feel powerless, these are the ones that commit animal sacrifices and on occasion other horrible acts in secret. These type of people would not be allowed to be members of either of the Church of Satan or The Satanic Temple.

I do not consider members of the Westboro Baptist Church to be Christians as they show no true love for others and rather than helping people to see God's love, seek to condemn others who do not believe as they do and that is not what we are told to do. Westboro is not meaningful; but, because of their media stunts gets publicity. They are more dangerous to the church than the so called Satanists.

Do not expect the media to be forthcoming about the truth, expect them to exploit people's fears and bigotry and blame it on religion, that is the real attack to the church. Anyone who has read this blog for a long time or my writings on other websites knows that I am a Christian. I am primarily concerned with apologetics which is the defense of the faith. It should also be clear from my writings that I detest willful ignorance and knee jerk reactions. If you truly believe in God then you will love others, forgive others and help others, that is what Jesus told us to do. Anyone who truly believes that if Jesus were alive today he would be protesting at someone's funeral is a fool, he would be comforting the family.

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