Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 20th, 2013, lots of news stories at once.

I now officially have a doctor assigned to me and I see shall them soon enough. All the minor problems I am facing will be dealt with at once because I am a lazy btard and don't like to go to see doctors, they tend to poke you with needles and I don't like that. There is my health update and it should be good enough for you. Now lets punish my readers with multiple news stories.

Yahoo - AP - Online course will let students give money away. There is now a college course in how to give away your money, Mr. Warren Buffet is supporting it and it is being given by the University I graduated from. Here is what I find interesting, Mr. Buffet is an Atheist or at best an Agnostic; but, still he cares about others. He is the greatest investor and possibly businessman in history, he cares about others; but, if he makes a mistake it is his believing that there is right and wrong outside of there being a God. I pray that he knows God before he passes because he sure acts out of love, he just doesn't know the truth yet. I bet he will because he has a heart of love.

Fox News - Physical crimes that won’t be possible in 2025. Read what the six are and understand where the technology is going.

Wired - Yahoo’s ID Land Rush Begins Today With Updated Security Measures. Prove you are you or no access to e-mail and the post office is going bye bye.

ProPublica - Finally, Bank Regulators Have Had Enough. Here is a simple question, how can the world support the current system when if flagrantly exposes how corrupt and dismissive of everyone else it is? They are destroying themselves by being too greedy.

NPR - Clever Hacks Give Google Glass Many Unintended Powers. It does not matter the garbage you have been told, the truth is how things can be used; because, if you can use a technology in a certain way, someone will find a way to do it when nobody has a real morality.

myfoxny - License plate scanners controversy. Oh, no, the cops can read your license plate and take a picture of it, no kidding. That is why cars have license plates, so they can identify you. How is this news.

silverdoctors - Second Dutch Bank to Follow ABN Amro, Close Gold Accounts! Gold will not save you in the future, put your trust in God or give up.

CBS - SF BayArea - California May Issue Digital License Plates, Privacy Groups Concerned. I am shocked and amazed or bored. Nope, sounds about right, I am bored.

The New York Times - G-20 Backs Plan to Curb Tax Avoidance by Large Corporations. What a shock, international law controlling international businesses and making sure they pay their taxes.

Yahoo - Daily Ticker - Does It Matter That Americans Are ‘Subsidizing’ Astronomical CEO Pay?. What? This is a ridiculous article. This is classical misdirection. I don't care how much a CEO makes if he earns it. Base their pay on the profitability of the company, long term. Base it on how much they grew the company, the number of stores, employees and profit.

Gizmodo - You Won't Need a PIN When You Pay for Everything with Your Face. I just don't feel like repeating myself right now.

Yahoo - Conde Nost Traveller - TSA PreCheck to offer cheaper, easier way to cut lines at airports. I wonder what freedom you have to give up to get an easy pass.

CNBC - Reuters - SEC charges city of Miami with fraud. The only way that you can promote good behavior is by punishing bad behavior. The worst behavior in the world is selfishness and trying to force others to be like you. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.

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