Monday, December 2, 2013

Ayn Rand the Swine

There was a female writer named Ayn Rand, she wrote a book called "Atlas Shrugged". She created a "philosophy" which she called objectivism, in simplest terms she believed in selfishness and did not believe in "collectivism" which she defined as being required to contribute to the society that you live in. The famous conservative, "William Buckley" considered her extreme.

YouTube - William Buckley on Ayn Rand & Atlas Shrugged

Ms. Rand did not believe in empathy, sympathy or compassion. One of her followers was Alan Greenspan who went on to control the Federal Reserve and was responsible for a lot of the deregulation of the financial system. If we are to understand why the economy collapsed (and will again) and if we want to understand why the corruption on Wall Street and in the City of London went on and continues to go on, it is because many in charge of the system follow Ayn Rand's beliefs.

The people who run this world, that benefit the most from it, often seek to justify not contributing back. We saw this when Warren Buffet said that the wealthy could and should pay taxes at the same rate as the middle class. He was attacked for saying this by some politicians and bankers. One of the reasons I do not support Ron Paul is because he seems to think like Ayn Rand.

YouTube - Firing Line: Ron Paul and William F. Buckley (1988) - Part 1 of 4
. A quote from the video - "Dr Paul wants to abolish the CIA, the FBI, the draft, welfare, foreign aide."

The point is that Ayn Rand was an extremist and there is no example in history of a society being successful based on her types of beliefs. Traditional conservatives, such as Mr. Buckley, know this. My issue with the current Republican party is that it has moved in the direction of Ms. Rand.

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