Sunday, December 1, 2013

The EU and the Ukraine

The Ukraine recently made the decision not to join the EU. Not surprising considering the current state of the EU and the Euro (their currency). I think the better question is why they would even consider joining the EU at this time as they could then be liable for lending money to Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece. So in response to the decision people actually rioted. The fact is the people living in the Ukraine want to join the EU; but, Russia is opposed to the idea.

The media for their part have not done a credible job explaining what is going on. Simply put, Russia abused the people of the Ukraine for about the last 100 years. The history includes starving the people, removing them from their land and extreme prejudice against Ukrainian Jews. I dated a woman from the Ukraine for a bit, she told me about how she had managed to get into college only because of her parents (one a scientist and one a doctor), she was Jewish (although an Atheist by philosophy).

Why do the Ukrainians want to be in the EU, simple, to free themselves from Russian influence over their countries affairs. That really is the bottom line, it is not about money, it is not about national freedom. Why does the EU want the Ukraine to join them, they have little to offer? The reasons are also simple, the EU is seeking to become a nation unto itself and wants to cover as much of Europe as possible.

Russia claims that the Ukraine should sign a free trade agreement with them; but, why can't it sign free trade agreements with both Russia and the EU. The United States is currently working on a free trade agreement with the EU and Asian countries. So, what is a free trade agreement? In theory and the way it is portrayed in the media, it is nothing more than an agreement to not put tariffs on goods from another country. In reality, it regulates what the laws of a country are. Currently, 80% of the laws in England come from the EU.

For those who have not been following the story, this is meant as a small summary.

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