Monday, February 3, 2014

Ponzi Economics and the Coming Crash

Yahoo - Reuters - Treasury's Lew warns that U.S. default could happen quickly.

YouTube - Reuters - Keiser Report: Round Tripping Financial Crisis (E557). A really good video talking about how countries are lying about their GDP. If you go halfway into the video an author is discussing how China and others are manipulating their GDP numbers. The GDP is basically how much a country is making in any given year. The question is why would a country intentionally inflate those numbers, it doesn't really add to a countries wealth. There is only one good reason and that is because when we create new currencies, they will be based on a nations GDP, or at least that is the stated plan of the IMF.

RT - Financial world shaken by 4 bankers' apparent suicides in a week. Four bankers all decided to kill themselves at roughly the same time. In addition their is a financial reporter who was investigating illegal banking activities that has gone missing. What I found particularly interesting was the following line from the article, "His most-cited paper was “Strengthening the case for the yield curve as a predictor of U.S. recessions,” published in 1997 while he was a researcher at the Federal Reserve." This is interesting because an inverse yield curve occurred just before our economy tanked and when Greenspan was asked about it, he said it wasn't a problem. I have often written that not only was it a problem; but, it was intentional and we were lied to about it.

The next financial crash is going to be worse than the previous one and there are people who know it is coming and plan on making lots of money off it and when it happens they are going to say how it couldn't be predicted and most people will buy that lie. Our economy is a fraud, the banks manipulate the markets and get raises. The game is rigged.

I know a lot of my readers probably ignore the financial posts; but, they are probably the most useful. On another note, Europe is planning to install a kill switch in all cars that would allow the police to just shut your car off. We are told this is to stop high speed chases. Of course here in America we are requiring all cars to have black boxes which already allow the manufacturer to shut off your car if you don't pay your bill.

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