Friday, February 28, 2014

Short Post and Heads Up

Yahoo - ‘Homeless Jesus’ sculpture stirring the pot in North Carolina. This is truly a sad story for all the wrong reasons. It begins with an artist who creates a sculpture of Jesus as a homeless person sleeping on a bench. The sad part is that this upset some people who think they are Christians. One person is quoted as follows, "Jesus is not a vagrant, Jesus is not a helpless person who needs our help. We need someone who is capable of meeting our needs, not someone who is also needy." Yet, in the bible it says that there will be many who call his name and he will say he never knew them. They respond that they never got the chance to be with him and he responds that when you help the poor and others in pain, you are helping him. Christianity is a wonderful thing; but, too many people forgot what it means.

Not long ago I corresponded with a lady who, along with her brother, was donating to charity a very expensive car in honor of her father. The family is well off; but, they could have kept the money. While I am not a liberty to discuss the details of my correspondence with her, I was very impressed by the attitude and strength of her and her family and their willingness to contribute to their community and others. Christianity is not about dressing a certain way or what you do not do, it is about what you do do to help and love one another and somehow in America that has gotten lost for many. If you are not helping the poor and downtrodden then if you do meet Jesus he will tell you that he never knew you. If you are imperfect and care about and help the downtrodden then he will know you. It is not sin that keeps us from God anymore, Jesus fixed that. It is our failure to have good in us that keeps us from God. None are good completely, there are none good but God; but, there can be some good in us even if it is imperfect and that comes from loving our neighbor as ourselves not from loving God. Loving God is the natural consequence of loving others.

Huffington Post - Florida Restaurant Charging Customers For Obamacare Costs That Don't Exist Yet. The short of the story is that some imbecile in Florida is showing a tax on the bills at his restaurant for costs for Obamacare. We will ignore that the restaurant will not be required to provide healthcare for it's employees until 2015 and we will ignore the fact that charging it as a tax is both fraud and illegal for the company. What it is, is childish. They could have chosen to show the cost of the Iraq war on their bills, that has cost us trillions. Maybe they could show that as the "Killing People for No Reason if Foreign Countries" tax. What about the trillions of dollars we spent to bailout banks under Bush, maybe they cold call that the "Paying Off Banksters for Stealing Our Retirements" tax. The point is simple, we need to town down the hysteria and lies and deal with the reality.

Huffington Post - Utah Governor Rejects Full Medicaid Expansion, Will Seek Federal Grant To Cover Poor. The governor of Utah has said that they will not expand Medicaid in his state unless the federal government pays for it and that he will seek to get a grant from them to cover it. If you are not rich, you don't matter.

Now the heads up. I have a lot going on right now and for the next week, so I might not post much. My health is oddly fantastic and everything is good, I just have some things going on that might require my attention. I don't know how I feel about this next part. I will be retiring this year from my job. This is weighing heavily on my mind. My business sense is stronger than ever; but, I no longer have the fire in my belly for it. The game has lost any surprises and I am bored. When I do retire, I will also decide what to do with this blog. I am considering starting a new blog when I retire, one that actually uses my name, my real name. I am considering telling much more than I do now, things I know; but, cannot prove with documentation, things I have been told in person. If I do, I will not be able to tell the readers of this site because that would be unfair to the fact that I have allowed anonymous comments on this site and have not identified people in my life. THIS blog will always be as it has been, anonymous for all parties who wish to be so. That means that if I do start a new personalized blog, I cannot reference this one or allow this one to link to the new one. I don't know what I am going to do yet, that is the beauty of my current life, I don't have to decide what the next step is.

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