Sunday, March 2, 2014

7 Keys to the Internet and some random thoughts

The Guardian - Meet the seven people who hold the keys to worldwide internet security. Firstly, I want to say that this is the first real news article I have read about the seven keys. While I had written about this years ago, it is only now that I have seen it openly discussed. While the article (and linked video within it) discuss the process for rebooting the internet as far as the security protocol, it does not explain many other things. In fact, the real question is where are the keys to be used and that is at a few American military bases, El Segundo is only for practice.

You see, El Segundo is where many military contractors in the Aerospace industry are located. A couple of miles away from El Segundo in Marina Del Rey is where ICANN is headquarted. In the article they ask someone about how this important ability, to reboot the internet, could be left in the hands of a private non-for profit and the person says that they don't know. The written article says the following, "The fact that the US-based, not-for-profit organisation Icann – rather than a government or an international body – has one of the biggest jobs in maintaining global internet security has inevitably come in for criticism." I consider this just silly words for the ignorant. In fact, ICANN gets it's authority because it has a contract with the military of the United States.

Now here is an unpleasant fact, how could we possibly restart the internet if someone did not have a complete copy of everything that has gone over the internet and that would be the National Security Agency or NSA. There are a number of people who freak out at the thought of the government having access to everything on the internet; but, they did create it after all. Would you accept someone having a complete copy of everything that was ever e-mailed or posted if the alternative was that everything could be lost?

There are those who called me a conspiracy theorist when I first began talking about ICANN, it is nice to finally have mainstream media admit it and film it. Sometimes I talk about things that are not "common knowledge" or conspiracy type things. I have written about globalism and a coming one world economic system with a universal pegging of currencies and I have talked about how the federal government is taking more and more control over transportation. Unfortunately, when I read the "alternative media", I find it filled with far right wing whack jobs. They are often anti-Semitic and they take ever bit of information and assume the worst case scenario.

The truth is very simple and sadder than what many fear. There is a growing movement on the far right that believes that Obama is a communist and wants to create Marshall law and throw people in concentration camps where they intend to wipe out 90% of us and turn the rest of us into slaves. I will not post a link to the stories or videos; but, there are thousands of them all over the internet. This same kind of fear has led people to not get their children vaccinated, I consider this a serious mistake on their part and a dangerous one.

We are going to have an electronic international currency and you will barely notice the difference. The truth is that most transactions are electronic in the world anymore already. Africa is the most advanced in this area in many ways. There is a coming economic crisis and you barely notice that as it has been taking place for years and very few have noticed. I wrote about the IMF plan for inflating all the currencies (The Chicago Plan Revisited if you want to search for it) and the truth is this is what all the nations have been doing already. All the important nations have been inflating their currencies at the same time by printing trillions and trillions of dollars each year; but, as they have all done this at about the same time and gradually, their values compared to one another have remained relatively the same.

I am not looking to see some great event that changes the world, the changes have already occurred. The change will be complete when there is a substantial event, not a cataclysmic one. In the end the change will be about the valuation of labor. It will go well for poor countries and poorly for rich countries. In my opinion gold will be worth very little as it has very few real uses. Consider this, if gold were truly needed, why would most of it sit in vaults? Gold is a stupid thing to base a currency on, it made sense hundreds of years ago because you couldn't forge it. With all the alchemists who dedicated their live into turning lead into gold, they could not do it. Even today we can make artificial diamonds; but, not gold. When we switch to an all electronic currency, gold will drop in value and it's market will crash. I will not go into how the crash of gold will benefit the United States; but, I bet it will.

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