Monday, April 7, 2014

Lies, Liars and the Pimpernel's Future

The Pimpernel is intending on retiring late this year. I plan on retiring from my job and moving back to the desert. A different part of the desert; but, the desert still. I am seriously considering doing a AM radio talk show at a small radio station in the desert and doing it using my real name and explaining things that I have seen, know about and cannot talk about without revealing my real name.

Would you listen to the old Pimpernel talk on the radio (the station also produces internet podcasts for the radio shows)? Oh, no the Pimpernel would not get paid unless I played commercial; but, then again, I don't get paid for preaching either and I have never made a dime form this blog or monetized it. I would consider selling commercial time on a radio show; but, would be really picky about to whom. I think I would use all the money for more airtime. I am preparing a budget to determine how man hours I can afford to be on the air. I am thinking one hour a week at the 2 am slot.

Here are the kind of things I am thinking of discussing:

MyWay - GOP seeks coverage choices in health law they hate. So members of the Republican party that voted against "Obamacare" are trying to use it to help small businesses while still claiming they will see it eliminated next year. It is all theater and lies.

The Motley Fool - Mortgage Resets Are Beginning, and Things Could Get Ugly. The article is complete lies, let me give you a quote from it.

"Which institutions hold these loans? Of the 10 major servicers involved with HAMP, Bank of America Corp. (NYSE: BAC ) , JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM ) and Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC ) are in the top five. At the end of 2013, redefaults for each bank associated with HAMP loans was 31% for B of A, 23% for JPMorgan, and 24% for Wells. Ocwen Loan Servicing and Nationstar Mortgage, the other two servicers in the top five, each had redefault rates of 30% and 26%, respectively. Can they expect a whole lot more in the next few years? It certainly seems like it."

The first sentence is contradictory because it is a lie. They ask which banks hold the mortgage loans, the real answer is none. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Federal Reserve hold all the mortgage loans, not the banks. You doubt me; but, read the next sentence in the quote. It says that these banks are loan servicers because that is all they are. Your mortgage is owned by the government which owns Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, not by the banks.

Bloomberg - Fannie-Freddie Elimination Model in Apartments: Mortgages. Read through the article and remember that I wrote about this a month or so ago. People want to have the government sell off Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; but, keep 90% of it's liabilities with the government. They are proposing outright theft of government assets by selling the assets of and retaining all the liability.

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