Sunday, April 6, 2014

Learn the Real Game, Watch These Videos

This blog is more about providing information than it is about providing answers. I don't care if people disagree with my conclusions, have fun with that. It is about identifying information that is relevant to making decisions. When I was in college a professor had us read "The History of the Peloponnesian War" By Thucydides. He is generally considered one of the first historians and political scientists. I have provided a link to the book and it was written in about 480 B.C.

Thucydides wrote about what both sides were saying during a particular war. The exact same stories are told to the public today, the garbage that we are told has not changed one bit. I was stunned when I read the book. Now the United Kingdom is discussing leaving the European Union and the nonsense being discussed is also the same as we will be confronted with in the future. The question of the elimination of national sovereignty in exchange for jobs. Watch the videos.

YouTube - Nick Clegg vs Nigel Farage, Europe debate 1 (26Mar14).

YouTube - Nick Clegg vs Nigel Farage, Europe debate 2 (02Apr14).

To learn the world, one must watch the world and not just complain about changes in their world.

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