Friday, October 20, 2017

A Charming Young Lady

A met a very nice young lady tonight, she was with a friend of mine and was interested in some of the issues I write about on this blog. I think a lot of people have come to understand that the world does not work as we were told. The housing crash, the stock crash, 9-11, the co-option and destruction of the tea party and the violent removal of the Occupy Movement all told people that the world was changing and they were being lied to about the reasons and the methodology; but, they cannot be quite sure why or what is coming. As nature abhors a vacuum there are many who have sought to fill the one in public confidence while the media denies there are answers other than more of the same. Trump and Sanders both rose to prominence because they had answers that offered to actually try something new. That is why both of them are hated by the establishment. This is as true now as when I began saying it almost two years ago.

There are others that seek to fill in the blanks with nonsense. They spike the punch, some unintentionally and others with the malice of self interest. In my own narcissistic way I like to believe that I can fill in the blanks without trying to lead astray or sell you gold. In the almost decade since I began this blog I have never monetized it, had any advertising or sought any contributions. This blog has no resources allocated to it other than the time I spend, I have no assistants and no help writing it (that should be clear from the typos). The readers that come here find it on their own or if someone else mentions it. I have discovered that when it is mentioned on Facebook the readership goes up; but, that hasn't caused me to move to Facebook. Blogger has NEVER sought to have me modify or delete anything I have written. That is why I remain on this site and also why I do not use obscenities or allow comments to use them. It is also why I do not make accusations at specific people of things I cannot prove or substantiate. It is also why I provide source documents as much as possible.

For my readers I am going to give a short critique of those I do not trust to either know or tell you the big picture and some I do trust. I will provide links.

Alex Jones - InfoWars.  I do not recommend him. He does bring up some facts that are not often discussed; but, he always sensationalizes to increase viewership. If anyone has questions about his past I recommend they watch his show from the night when he claimed Y2K (the year 2000) was going to cause all governments to collapse and riots in the streets. Neither thing happened.

Rense - This guy is an anti-Semite who believes the world is controlled by Jews and has never met a conspiracy theory he didn't like ex Klans leader David Duke is one of his contributors.

The Young Turks - They have really gone downhill as they have become more and more partisan. They have never heard a conspiracy about Trump that they didn't believe. They have taken an arrogant position of believing that they know much more than you and you are an idiot for not agreeing with them.

David Icke - I like David Icke and he gets lots of things right; but, he also sees a giant Jewish conspiracy of Zionists. There are plenty of dishonest people and some of them are Jewish; but, the only thing they have in common is dishonesty. You have dishonest women, blacks, Latinos, whites, gays, straights, Europeans, Africans, Asians and Americans (both north and south). I won't even bother talking about the reptiles that Mr. Icke believes in. Ancient people used metaphors. Think about how the American Indians had animal spirit guides, metaphors.

As for Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff and many others that are constantly predicting crashes while selling gold, nuff said.  I start each day reading the people I just listed and looking for any tidbits that might be useful while basically ignoring their narrative. I then proceed to read all of the corporate mainstream nonsense and by and large ignore their corporate narrative.

There is a movie called "The Flim Flam Man". In it, George C. Scott plays a con artist and he says, "There are only two ways to con someone, make them think they are smarter than you or convince you have they want to take from you".  Each of those I listed has something for sale. I don't.

People I do view on a daily basis include the following:

styxhexenhammer666 - I like styx, he is very committed to Libertarianism; but, his analysis is always insightful. He is knowledgeable about many things; but, he is still young and I think he will continue learning because he is willing to question things and consider others reasoning. There is a reason even liberals respect him.

Sargon of Akkad - He is a good debater and doesn't try and sell you stuff. He does however fail to see how all the pieces fit together and tends to look at the ancillary issues. He sees the effect and the cause; but, not the intent. He sees the world as left and right when there is no left or right.

H.A. Goodman - HA has a good heart; but, can get very defensive and emotional. His writing is better than his videos are. He's not trying to sell you stuff either and comes from a liberal Sanders supporting background.

I also watch Louder With Crowder, Mark Dice, SomeBlackGuy, Jarmal Thomas and the Tim Black Show. Some left, some right, all shooting for humor and slightly skewing their view towards their political perspective without seeing it in themselves. More advocates than analysts. They might ridicule opposing views; but, they don't say you don't have a right to hold them and that matters.

None of these people were around when I started seeing the world as I do. I started looking after being asked to give a seminar on real estate. I was so focused on doing my regular job and taking care of my family that I stopped looking at the world around me as I had when I was younger. I stopped paying attention as much except to my industries that I was involved with. After preparing for that seminar and seeing the coming crashes I had to ask why they were allowing these thing to occur. Both crashes were predictable and could have been prevented and yet, those responsible for preventing them, protected them the culprits and made sure the crashes occurred.

When I first saw what was coming and then saw my predictions happen exactly as I predicted, it was like getting kicked in my stomach. I get that. It meant that all my parents and teachers and the media taught me was wrong. Funny thing is, I think they believed it too. We live in a world of competing interests, it is that simple. We are told we are not competing with those in power, that is the lie. The battle is always the rich versus the poor, those in charge versus those who serve, the establishment versus the controlled.

The establishment is coordinated, why wouldn't it be. In High School, were you surprised that the jocks worked together or that the smart kids did too? Does that class system go away in college? Why would you believe it goes away in government or business? We live in a world where common interests unite. For the rich, the common interest is in control and keeping others from taking what they have. For the middle class, the common interest is in getting ahead; but, they don't expect all of their group to get ahead so they promote their industries above one another. Musical chairs to see who rises. Gladiator sport for the establishment to watch and judge. For the poor, their common interest is getting anything that makes life tolerable even if that means siding with the rich. That is how the world works and that is what those in the establishment understand and don't want you to.

What's Going On.  Lets call this summary a staring place. A good place to start.

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