Saturday, November 18, 2017

I Just Have to Say This

When I point out on other sites online that the media is lying about Trump or that Hillary did fix the primaries, people sometimes assume I am a conservative or alt-right. My readers know, I am as far from the right as I can be. I am a socialist who believes in universal healthcare and actively supported the Occupy Movement, going so far as renaming this blog, "Occupy the Truth is Inside You". I supported Bernie Sanders on this blog up until he became co-opted by the Democratic Party. I am still for breaking up the big banks and the media as they have become anti-competitive and oligarchical. I was a preacher to gay illegal aliens. Online I have been accused of being a Russian bot, an alt righter and whatever else you can imagine, including a racist. Oddly enough, they never directly respond to my questions and my readers know, I have questions and I will ask them. I have some very serious questions about Trump; but, I also don't make statements I cannot back up, those questions will come later; but, for now are only raised in private and in person with my friends who are Trump supporters.

I just read an article in The Boston Globe which is attempting to claim that Trump is responsible for someone becoming a neo-Nazi, that the person felt emboldened (embiggened for the Simpsons viewers) by Trump saying whatever. Their intent is to say that Trump has been responsible for Nazis in the United States. This is incredibly unfair and outrageous. Do you remember when President Obama's Homeland Security organized the takedown of the Occupy Movement in contravention of federal law? I wrote about it at the time.

Lets take a quick review of what the Nazi's believed in. They believed that some races and sexes were inferior to others. Hmmm. Now people claiming to be on the left (they are not truly on the left if they don't believe in regulating industry for the benefit of the nation or if they believe it is okay to have monopolies) are against free speech, pro war, against freedom of assembly, pro-monitoring opponents and against your being able to pick a President they don't like (to the point of denying the requirement of charging "high crimes and misdemeanors" for impeachment.

Totalitarianism is the problem and it doesn't matter if it comes from the left or right. If you create a repressive society, eventually it only benefits the rich and powerful. The neo liberals call for regulating speech on the internet and protest violently against free speech rallies calling people who believe in free speech fascists. I may not agree with someone but I would still defend their right to say what they believe with my life.

I was typing up the next chapter from my story and my fingers got tired (arthritis hits when it hits); but, I saw this article in the globe and it just ticked me off. Well, I also had to take a moment away from reading my 35 year old story as sometimes it makes me cringe to see my writing from that far back.

Here is my point. If you are truly for freedom and against tyranny, you will not promote denying free speech, you will support whoever is elected constitutionally as a valid representative of those who voted and you will not shout down those you disagree with. I tell you now, if you promote restricting rights, you will be the victim of those restrictions. Imagine getting the right to free speech limited online and then having someone like Trump not impeached and able to use that limitation on those who fight him. Take a moment and ask yourself what rights you would be willing to give up today to defeat Trump if he is then allowed to use those same limits on rights. Well that is the question and if you truly believe he is a Nazi, why would give anyone that power over you?

Let me make it even clearer to the left and right. Bush got the Patriot Act passed which does away with Habeas Corpus and it was used by Obama and Bush. Do you really want to see Trump use it? Every law that you support can be used against you as the winds change from east to west regularly.

MSN - The Boston Globe - When the pizza delivery guy is also ‘Nazi Bob’.

Ask yourself, why can't someone fire an employee for being gay or black; but, you can fire them for their political beliefs even if not expressed at work? We have been seeing a lot of that lately. Not just on the left, we have seen it on the right too. Here is a question. Remember the bakery that refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding? What if they had refused to bake a cake with a Nazi on top saluting Hitler, would you still say they had to?

Kiddies, if you think my questions are going to get easier in the future, you are far from correct. As the hypocrisy of the establishment and the media is further exposed, our own hypocrisy should be addressed by ourselves. I'm not that nice.

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