Friday, November 23, 2018

What Next

Well kids, it is time for Pimpernel to make a decision. This blog has been around for about 9 years. Last year I hit 100,000 hits and this year 150,000 hits. As my long term readers know, I have this blog twice and deleted all the previous posts. This blog began as a spiritual and philosophical blog, looking at questions that few ask in their day to day lives. In about 2010 I started discussing tech and the future and politics and the news of the day. I have gone out of my way to provide my readers with source documents to the news of the day.

This blog is very personal to me and I have discussed personal issues over the years. A few years back I almost deleted everything again; but, didn't want to delete the posts regarding Pastor Daniels because I knew her family had read them and others looking into the case had read this blog. I have never and will never monetize this blog, I have never asked for contributions nor do I have a Patreon or PayPal account. I have never received a single penny for this blog and perhaps it is not worth one, that is for the readers to decide. On this and other sites I have accurately predicted where we would be in many areas.

A few months ago I made an investment in a laptop with a microphone and a camera. I have been considering moving to YouTube. I have never posted on Facebook or Twitter. I do not use Instagram either. Over the years I have been saddened by the lack of comments from readers, I had wanted to build something more interactive. Some have suggested I do a podcast, when I retired I considered doing a radio show once a week for truckers. I did not end up moving where I planned which was near the radio station.

My friends we are moving into bleak times and I don't mean economically. Artificial Intelligence will control our decisions, self driving transportation will control our movement and virtual reality will control our reality. As we clamp down on open expression we will find ourselves unable to consider the truth. We live in a world of corporate control over media, the government and our reality. The game is rigged against small businesses bringing true innovation so that only large corporate and increasingly consolidated industries can flourish. We have destroyed half this nation to benefit a few on the coasts.

I guess the question for me is how is my time best spent. How can I reach people, how can I get them to see what is coming when their days are spent barely getting by? I welcome any thoughts.

1 comment:

sizzlingcell said...

You should do both, keep the blog and experiment with youtube !