Tuesday, December 4, 2018

UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly And Regular Migration.

United Nations - Global Compact for Safe, Orderly And Regular Migration.

Basically, this agreement calls for open borders for immigration. The link above is to the actual document to be signed and agreed to. Always use source documents dear readers. Of particular note is that there are 23 objectives listed, Item 17 says it intends to "Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perception of migration". Now, what does that mean you may ask. Well, it means that if you talk bad about your governments having an open border, you can be charged with a hate crime. It also means that if you do not live in one of the countries that accepts this policy that you could be removed from the internet.

The Express - UN migration: Criticizing migration could become criminal offense under new plan.

Fox - Nigel Farage on the free speech fight in Europe.

Remember very few places actually have free speech. Few countries have a first amendment like the United States and almost none act on it.

Another fascinating objective is item 22, which says, "Establish mechanisms for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits." While not being discussed much, this part is really scary. This little bit is insidious. It basically means that even if you move from a country to another, your country of origin will still be responsible for paying you benefits you earned in it, even if you were never fully vested.

This is not about migration, it is about the end of national sovereignty. I told two people that this was being approved in less than a week. The first person I told was a relative in China, he laughed, he thought I was joking. I second person I told is older than me and lives in the United States, he thought the world had gone mad. Both are right and wrong. This is simply about having an international workforce free to travel where the work is regardless of the effect of the communities that they move to. This is what Hillary Clinton was talking about when she said she wanted open borders. There has been no public vote on this in any country that I know of, nor will there be. In fact, objective 17 makes it clear that the average person will not even be allowed to make a negative comment about it. Welcome to the world of the future where you have no say in what the rules are.

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