Friday, January 25, 2019

The Elites and Globalization

While the young ones don't see it, they are the least free generation since the 1950s. They are the worst educated in the history of the United States. They not been taught geography, history, phonetics or proper math. Oh yeah, they have not been taught civics or how government works. They self regulate through fear and intimidation and outrage for the slightest deviation from the norms. Their futures not have as many opportunities as we have had in the last 100 years. They have been taught that everything is emotional and that all responses are too. They outrage over every social faux pas and almost no understanding of economics and how it is changing in ways that will guarantee them less in life. They have been trained by the media and the schools to be their own worst enemies. They not understand how the children of the wealthy and powerful were totally differently than them. They do not understand how the kids of the wealthy and powerful view them and how these privileged people see the rest of us as commodities.

I want my readers to learn the truth. The truth is, as the defender of the elites in the above video does, we live in a world of classes, of common interests. What interest do you have in common with the people that control the world?

The man gave away a little secret in his conversation, he discussed how the wealthy and powerful were taught NOT to fall in love or marry commoners. There is a club called The Skull and Bones, the Bushes were members in college. They have ceremonies where they masturbate in front of the other members and discuss every sexual thought they have had. Why? They are being taught to care more about their class than their lovers. They are taught not to let love outweigh personal interest. Oligarchs are always taught that lesson, that is why the royal family was inbred.

What you are witnessing is as important as the industrial revolution. It is a move towards one world control. It may be corporate control or a one world government control. The world establishment is betting on this change; but, Trump, Brexit and the Yellow Shirts are fighting back. Nationalist who believe in their sovereignty are called populists and racists and everything else you can think of; but, nobody in the media will admit that the real issue is giving up sovereignty whether it be to international corporate monopolies or a one world government because they know most don't like either of those answers.

Most people don't really understand the world has been moving towards this for 100 years.

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