Friday, January 18, 2019

Desperate Establishment Times Call for Desperate Establishment Measures

Last week the media began saying that we shouldn't expect much from Mueller on Trump Russia collusion. Immediately after, two new bogus stories start making the rounds.

Washington Examiner - Drudge Report Banner blares: "Did Trump bribe Drudge Poll?"

Here is the thing about the above article. The Drudge poll that is referenced occurred BEFORE he ran and had NOTHING to do with him running or being President. It was a poll regarding who the best businessman was. The story is nonsense, shows no crime and doesn't even say what a tech company was paid to do. Were they paid to analyze the results of the poll?

Well, when that story didn't pan out we immediately got a new claim.

Buzzfeed - Donald Trump Directed His Attorney Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project.

Want to bet if this story holds up? You know it won't. By the way the Buzzfeed article says Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress. Well, not according to people who read the charges.

Bloomberg - Michael Cohen's Lawyer Says Trump Directed Him to "Commit a Crime". Cohen plead guilty to paying off women to not say they slept with Trump. Not a crime. Most of what got Cohen in trouble was his own personal financial misdeeds that happened before Trump ran for office.

In the coming days you will see an endless stream of new accusation with no evidence and unnamed sources. The truth is for over two years Mueller has had unrestricted ability to investigate everything and has found nothing against Trump. Every unsubstantiated accusation will get its own investigation and they wont stop until the next election for President is over and Trump will still win again.

Whether you know it or not, the thing really pissing off Trump's political and media opponents was Trump's refusal to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which would have allowed corporations to have their own courts and enforce the corporate globalist rules rather than follow national laws. Read the next post I will be making to understand what that is about, you will need to watch the video that accompanies it.


And as quickly as predicted the Cohen lied for Trump story is debunked by Mueller's office. The Associated Press has just published that the story is bs.

MSN - Associated Press - The Latest: Mueller's office says Buzzfeed report inaccurate. What a shock. The bigger question is why didn't Buzzfeed tell Mueller's Office what they were going to publish BEFORE publishing, just to get a comment.

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