Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bad Week For Anti-Trumpers. Will only get worse.

The question to the Democrats that were fooled by the establishment hacks yet again.

So on Friday, Mueller's report comes out. By Sunday the summary is released saying there was no evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The media and his opponents go into denial, the first stage of grief. By Monday new stories make them look even worse.

Monday morning, in either an attempt to change the subject or an attempt to fly under the radar, the prosecutors in the Jussie Smollett case drop the charges in an emergency hearing. Neither the police nor the Mayor are told in advance. The police and mayor get really upset. Later the files are sealed. It also turns out the state attorney general who had been Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff was involved in discussions regarding Mr. Smollett. Fox - Who is Tina Tchen the attorney linked to Jussie Smollett messages?

Things do not get much better. The Hill - As Russian collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges.

Let us also remember that this is the week where Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels attorney is charged with extortion.

The corporate Democrats start demanding that the Mueller report immediately be released in full, which is violation of the law and they know it. Grand jury testimony cannot be released and neither can the names of certain methods and sources used by the intelligence agencies. Those are protected by federal law. I believe it will get worse for them. I believe that whatever can be released will show how the investigation began. Mueller, like any good attorney, started by reciting the facts that led to his investigation, the timeline. That timeline will show who ordered the investigation and based on what assumptions. Perkins Coie, Steele, Fusion GPS, the Clinton Campaign will all be mentioned and it will not be good for them.

The right will blame the left and the left the right; but, McCain and the Bushes are on the right and supported getting rid of Trump for collusion. This is not about left or right, this is about the elites and the establishment attempting to stay in control. It will turn out that not only the Trump campaign; but, the Sanders campaign were spied on by the FBI. Bet me.

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