Monday, May 27, 2019

Purely Political Impeachment.

On a daily basis the corporate media discusses the need to impeach Trump, for what is not clear. I want to go back to how this began to show that this is purely political. Before Trump had even secured the nomination, the elites were saying he should be impeached if elected.

Politico - Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?

Perhaps people have forgotten this video calling for the electoral college to ignore the election and just vote for whoever they want.

The Politico article went so far as to say that Trump was going to round up Muslims and put them in concentration camps. The supposedly "liberal" corporate media calls for him to attack Iran, North Korea and Venezuela daily. The same media calls for us to stop enforcing immigration laws when just a few years ago the same ones called for building a wall or other type of barrier. We had to endure months of the media calling for him to be impeached for sleeping with a porn star once.

One of Trump's first acts was to pull out of the TPP, a trade agreement that would have let private courts to be used so that companies could sue nations who had laws that they did not like.

WPR - Why Trump's Exit From the Paris Agreement Could Start a Trade War.

The fact is that while the TPP allowed nations to set their own CO2 limits voluntarily, the TPP was going to make those choices mandatory and both were going to start serious enforcement in 2030.

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