Thursday, May 23, 2019

China, Climate and the Paris Accord

We are being told contradictory things. We are told the Paris Climate Accord will save our planet. We are also told that if we don't stabilize CO2 emissions by 2030 that the world will be doomed by 2050. We are told this by the exact same people; but, the facts are a little different.

The human activity caused CO2 was 37,077,404 gigatons in 2017. China produced 10,877,218 of those emissions or roughly slightly more than 1/4. The United States produced 5,107,393 of them. Australia produced 402,253 of them. China has been praised for taking a leadership role in the Paris Accord after the United States pulled out of the agreement. At the same time, China plans of increasing emissions by 100% by 2030, much of it from burning coal. By the way, since 2005, the United States has reduced it's emissions by about 1/6th.

A video showing the changes by year.

During the recent elections is Australia, their "Labor" party called for Australia to reduce their emissions by 45%. That wouldn't even make a dent in total emissions with China increasing their by 100%. This should make you wonder why the United Nations doesn't discuss this in their climate reports. This should make you ask why the media doesn't discuss it. In fact, 66% of the electrical energy in China comes from coal burning which is more than double the percentage coming from coal in the United States and China will be doubling the number of coal powered plants between now and 2030.

If every country in the world, except China, kept steady at their carbon emissions, we would still see a 25% increase in total emissions due to China alone. Include India in that equation and we are easily looking at a 35% increase overall.

Wikipedia - List of Countries by Carbon Emissions.

Why are we moving manufacturing to the country that is the biggest user of coal and producer of CO2 if we are concerned about CO2 emissions? Why don't the climate scientists, the media pundits or Bill Nye discuss this? Why don't climate scientists use the scientific method and prove their theories using experiments?

Time - It Didn't Take Long For China to Fill America's Shoes On Climate Change. Reads like propaganda to me and leaves out the facts I just mentioned.

National Review - The Key Charade of the Paris Agreement.

Western countries companies will tell you how they have reduced their CO2 emissions, their carbon footprint when in fact all they have done is outsource the emissions to China. You are told that if you don't eat meat one day a week, you will save the world; but, that is not even remotely going to offset China doubling their emissions.

People in the western world are being lied to. You are being told that if you live with less, the world will be saved while jobs and industry are being sent to the biggest polluters resulting in a net increase in CO2 which is in fact harmless.

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