Friday, August 23, 2019

August 23, 2009 Pastor Carol Daniels Died.

August 23, 2009 Pastor Carol Daniels was killed in her church during Sunday service. In July of 2010, I became aware of her murder. before; but, expected someone to be caught. I sort of loosely followed it as I do many things. On July 10, 2010 I decided to write about it. I may have written prior; but, I destroyed all my prior blogs. This is the third generation of this blog. The other two are long gone

As this blog had served it's original purpose I intended to end it forever. One day I prepared to delete all posts and write no more; but, there was a problem. Turned out that people came to this blog, not my regular readers; but, people came specifically to read my few posts about Pastor Daniels. It messed my head up, not the intent of this blog to discuss crime.

I have only ever driven through or flown over Oklahoma. The people were nice enough at the restaurant I ate at. I just didn't like the place and tornadoes scare me, I don't mind earthquakes. I don't understand tornadoes. Somewhere in the early 2000s we drove my dad back from the east to California after my mother had died. We drove through Oklahoma and I saw a tornado, we drove till we were out of the state. I didn't know anything about Pastor Daniels church or denomination. The only thing I knew was that the police were clueless and not thinking about the most obvious clues. The Oklahoma media was worse, they sensationalized the more gruesome aspects and ignored the facts. I had seen this before with the BTK killer. He killed in Kansas and they originally sought a Hispanic man, turned out they were looking for his first victim and not him. They were convinced BTK was not one of them, just like the Oklahoma police. Cops are people and few are trained investigators.

Because so many people seemed interested, I gave updates. That may have been a mistake on my part. I became one of the most referenced people in regards to the murder. Read the last year of my blog, it is mostly politics and has been for over four years. I was going to finally end my blogging and two things happened. The people that read only about Pastor Daniels contacted me, not knowing I was going to end the blog and the people that read everything else asked to me to keep about everything else. I decided to delete everything except the stuff about Pastor Daniels and leave it a dead site. If you don't kill a thing completely it comes back and this blog did. I kept writing. My posts about Pastor Daniels don't make up 1% of my posts. This blog is not monetized nor advertised so I have never made a penny from it, not one, not ever a free meal or cup of coffee.

My life has changed a lot since I started following this case. When a member of her family contacted me I had a meltdown. It fried my brain, I didn't understand why they would bother contacting me. The sad truth is, nobody else was following after the initial reports other than me and eventually Websleuths. I have received more comments from people than anyone else regarding this case. I personally told the OSBI they were free to monitor my site for anything related to the case including comments. I have never been personally contacted by the OSBI or the FBI or the local Oklahoma police about anything.

This post is not so much about Pastor Daniels yet. It is only August 9th and I will not post until the 23rd. I am hoping I will have an update, I am hoping the Oklahoma media will post about her death's anniversary. Whether they do or don't I will post this to remind people that a good woman died to the hands of a butcher who has yet to be identified.

To Pastor Daniels family, I say I am sorry that I couldn't do more. Here is what we know. The police knowingly lied when they blamed it on a dead junkie. The video they used from in front of the church contradicts their accusations. Think about it, you will get it. The murderer never entered or left through the front door, the videotape proves that. This means the killer exited by the backdoor. Now, if the killer had a car then it was videotaped if it left via the front street to the church. The videotape would also show when the front door was closed after Pastor Daniels entered as she usually kept it open. Who closed the front door, the killer of Pastor Daniels? We know who locked the front door and it wasn't Pastor Daniels. There are only two possibilities. Either the murderer waited for her to enter and then locked the front door so she couldn't leave or she entered the church for Sunday services and locked the front door behind her. There is a remote third possibility and that is that the killer killed her and then locked the door.

How many people in all of that town knew her rituals? How many people would know to not come in through or leave through the front door? How many people within a one block radius didn't go to church that Sunday? How many people knew her screams would not be heard a block away at the police station or the gas station? What truly disgusts me is that the OSBI have given up on this case and declared it a dead file rather than a cold case. The Kansas police did a poor job with BTK; but, they kept it open. The OSBI isn't even that good. I don't know what the motive was; but, it wasn't robbery. Only a complete idiot would believe that. I don't think the motive was racial or we would have seen more and not just in churches. Someone knew she would be alone and the church would be empty. This was planned well in advance. This was personal at least on the killer's part even if she didn't know them.


I didn't find any 10 year anniversary news articles and it is now the 23rd. I know people were looking the past couple of weeks to see if I would update the story from the searches that brought people here. I couldn't find any. My apologies to the Daniels family for not having anything more to offer. To them I say, be at peace. Pastor Daniels would want you to enjoy your lives and not be bitter. I have watched the news videos, I have seen and heard your words and faces. I know she taught you love and forgiveness. I send you my love and prayers, all I got. I don't believe I will be around another ten years, I am okay with that. I wont delete this blog again because of Pastor Daniels and the fact that people still come here to find out about her. You cannot ever understand me by just reading the posts about Pastor Daniels, I am a burnt out old political operative. I shall leave you with this.

A number of years ago I was asked to preach and did so for five years, never made a penny and it cost me money, never deducted it off my taxes. I worked a full time job while preaching. I thought I gave some decent sermons, people came with questions afterwards, I seemed to have reached them. The one sermon I gave that was the hardest for people to hear was about forgiveness. I asked the congregation, if they believed that we had to forgive to be forgiven and they all said yes. I then asked if we should start by forgiving the person who cheated getting in line first, should they start with the easy ones. That confused them, they knew me. I then said that to be a Christian means forgiving the one you least want to forgive first, the one person you don't feel you should ever forgive must be the first. Forgiveness saves you, God judges people and it is the rejection of forgiveness that hurts us. I told my adulteress ex, that I forgave her and she told me she didn't want any of my forgiveness. I hope she takes it someday because to refuse forgiveness is to pour hot coals on your own head.

Be well.

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