Thursday, August 22, 2019

How does plastic get in the ocean?

Here are the annual stats.

China - 8.8 million metric tons
Indonesia - 3.2 million metric tons
Philippines - 1.9 million metric tons
Sri Lanka - 1.6 million metric tons
Thailand - 1 million metric tons
Bangladesh - 0.8 million metric tons
United States - 0.3 million metric tons

Now ask me why I don't care if people in the United States use plastic straws.

Only coastal cities put any plastic in the ocean. People landfill their trash close to their societies because it costs too much to ship it. The United States regulates waste disposal. You are not seeing trucks go to the ocean to dump plastic into it, in the United States at least.

We are constantly being lied to. It is so constant that people don't even ask the simplest questions. Do you really believe that when your trash is picked up, the trash company or city separates the plastic bags and straws and then dumps them in the ocean rather than landfilling them in the bags they came in? How bout this, we are told that oil is a billion old dead dinosaurs. If oil is a billion or 100 million years old, it does not biodegrade. Plastic takes up less space than oil because it is a oil concentrate. Therefore plastic takes up less space than oil in the ground.

Where are the large plastic in the oceans, the Pacific, not the Atlantic. Western nations have strict laws regarding pollution that are actually enforced. Asia has theoretical environmental laws that are not enforced.

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